Prayer Meeting
Prayer meeting this Tuesday, June 1st at 7:00 PM! Where one puts a thousand to flight, two put ten thousand to flight!
Bridal Shower
The ladies are invited to a Bridal Shower for Miriam Riffe on Thursday, June 3rd at 6:30 PM at 123 West Church Street.
Ladies Bible Study
Ladies Bible Study will be on Monday, June 7th beginning at 6:30 PM. Subject: Gideon.
Men’s Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study will be Tuesday, June 8th at 6 PM. Bring a snack to share!
Ladies of Grace
All ladies of WOLCC are invited for a Summer Luncheon on Saturday, June 26th from 1:30-3:30 in the Adult Sunday School room.
Royal Rangers and Missionettes
There will be Royal Rangers and Missionettes every Wednesday night at 7 PM.
Word of Life Bible Institute
If you have a desire to learn the Bible, then it starts right here! Come join us on Wednesday nights at 7 PM as we are going through the Bible Book by Book.
You Can Give Online!
For your convenience we can now receive donations/offerings using major credit cards. To give online through our website,, click on “Give” from the website top menu.
Nursery Available on as Needed Basis
Please let us know if you are qualified and would be willing to help out.
Happy Birthday in June!
Pastor Mark Mauldin – 7th
Hannah Riffe – 14th
Michael Mauldin – 23rd
Morgan Mauldin – 23rd
Kaiden Ruffner – 24th
Clint Piatt – 29th
Let us know if you have a birthday in June!
Overall Giving May 23rd, 2021
Tithes & Offering – $1,127.30
Missions Fund – $96.00
Building Fund – $72.60