Sunday, May 23, 2021

Royal Rangers and Missionettes Skate Night

Royal Rangers and Missionettes Skate Night at Zoomers on Thursday, May 27th from 6:00-8:00 PM. $5 Sponsorship.

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies Bible Study will be on Monday, May 24th beginning at 6:30 PM. Subject: Gideon.

Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study will be Thursday, May 25th at 6 PM. Bring $5 for Tubby’s Pizza!

Peanut Butter and Jesus

Peanut Butter and Jesus Ministry starting on on Saturday, May 29th. Volunteers to help make sandwiches meet at the church by 11:00 AM.

Fellowship Dinner – Save the Date

On Sunday, May 30th, after the evening service, we will have a Fellowship Dinner. Bring food to share, dessert, and a bottle of pop!

Royal Rangers and Missionettes

There will be Royal Rangers and Missionettes every Wednesday night at 7 PM.

Word of Life Bible Institute

If you have a desire to learn the Bible, then it starts right here! Come join us on Wednesday nights at 7 PM as we are going through the Bible Book by Book.

You Can Give Online!

For your convenience we can now receive donations/offerings using major credit cards.  To give online through our website,, click on “Give” from the website top menu.

Nursery Available on as Needed Basis

Please let us know if you are qualified and would be willing to help out.

Happy Birthday in May!

Lora Lea Dawson – 5th

Marsha Martin – 12th

Alberta Cress – 14th

Nikki Harvey – 16th

Let us know if you have a birthday in May!

Overall Giving May 16th, 2021

Tithes & Offering – $2,170.36

Missions Fund – $519.33

Building Fund – $263.58