Sunday, July 21, 2024

Spiritual Growth

We would like to help you grow spiritually in Christ and to develop as a Christian! Your journey begins with Jesus!

New Carpet

As you can see the new carpet has been installed in the sanctuary! Praise the Lord!

New Steeple

The new steep is installed! Thank you Brother Tim for all your hard work! Thank you Michael and Jimmy for helping with the installation!

Phasing out Sermon CDs

We will be phasing out Sermon CDs in the near future. All messages are accessible through our website and YouTube.

Ladies Bible Study Fellowship

Ladies Bible Study Fellowship coming soon at the Remnant. Details to follow!

Peanut Butter & Jesus (PB&J)

The next PB&J outreach will be on Saturday, August 17th. Signup sheet is on the foyer table! Be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Men’s Fellowship and Bible Study

We would love to have the men join our Bible Study and Fellowship on Thursday, July 25th at 5:30 PM at Iron Chef. Please RSVP with Pastor Mark asap.

Kids for Christ Taking a Summer Break

Kids for Christ will be taking a summer break! We start back on Wednesday, August 21st.

Word of Life Bible Institute

If you have a desire to learn the Bible, then it starts right here! Come join us on Wednesday nights at 7 PM as we are going through the Bible Book by Book.

Youth Building

Just $10 per week can help raise the funds for the new Youth Building!

You Can Give Online!

For your convenience we can now receive donations/offerings using major credit cards.  To give online through our website,, click on “Give” from the website top menu.

Nursery Available

Nursery will be available in our AM and PM services.

Happy Birthday in July

Merry Henretty – 7th

Georgie Chandler – 17th

Miriam Mauldin – 26th

Patricia Meade – 27th

Let us know if you have a birthday in July!

Overall Giving July 14, 2024

Tithes & Offering – $1,766.00

Missions Fund – $20.00

Building Fund – $170.00