Made with Love Ministries
We need volunteers to help prepare meals. If willing, please let Sister Mikki know.
Annual Chili Cook Off
Our annual chili cook off is tonight, February 23rd after our evening worship! Bring your famous family secret recipe for chili and enter it into the contest! Sign-up sheet is on the back table. Also, sign up to bring shredded cheese, Frito’s, sour cream, cornbread, and dessert along with a bottle of pop!
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s bible study is on Monday, February 24th at 6:30 PM. Please join us 🙂
Men’s Bible Study
Men’s bible study and fellowship will be on Thursday, February 27th at 6:30 PM! Bring your bible, workbook, and food to share.
Easter Cantata
Easter Cantata practice begins on Sunday, March 2nd at 5:30 PM!
Youth Building
Construction has begun! Please prayerfully consider supporting this project! Any amount helps and is a tremendous blessing! Thank you for your commitment and sacrifice!
Peanut Butter & Jesus (PB&J)
The next PB&J outreach is on Saturday, March 15th. Sign-up today! Bundle up!
CEF Silent Auction
The CEF Silent Auction and Luncheon will be on Saturday, March 8th at Corner Stone Alliance Church! Lunch donation is $10 per plate. Doors open at 10:30 AM and the luncheon is from 11:00-2:00.
Kids for Christ
There will be Kids for Christ every Wednesday night at 7 PM. Reach, teach, and keep boys and girls for Christ! If you are interested in helping out, and looking for ministry opportunities, please let us know.
Word of Life Bible Institute
If you have a desire to learn the Bible, then it starts right here! Come join us on Wednesday nights at 7 PM as we are going through the Bible Book by Book.
Youth Building
Just $10 per week can help raise the funds for the new Youth Building! The new building plans have been approved! We start building in January 2025!
No Longer Have Sermon CDs
We no longer have sermon CD’s. All messages are accessible through our website and YouTube. Bring your own USB drive and we can download the sermon for you. Thank you so much!
You Can Give Online!
For your convenience we can now receive donations/offerings using major credit cards. To give online through our website,, click on “Give” from the website top menu.
Nursery Available
Nursery will be available in our AM and PM services.
Happy Birthday in February
Tim Holt – 7th
Jordan Chandler – 13th
Anderson Stiers – 13th
Terri Fay – 15th
Jaxton Davis – 19th
Veronica Browning – 20th
Sue Tanner – 21st
Dalton Meade – 22nd
Tyra Gibson – 23rd
Travis Gulley – 27th
Let us know if you have a birthday in February!
Overall Giving February 16, 2025
Tithes & Offering – $1,906.00
Missions Fund – $30.00
Building Fund – $230.00