Sunday, April 19, 2020

Brand New Website!

Take a look!  Stay connected to the church through FaceBook.  Listen to the messages through the Media Tab.  Also, subscribe to the WOLCC YouTube.  Let others know so they can also listen to the Gospel preached.  Hook it up via Bluetooth in your car or speaker.  Church web address is  Check it out!


The WOLCC Family should have received a letter from the church this week.  If you did not, please call the church and let me know or leave a message so we can get one to you.

Night Watch

Night Watch this Tuesday at 7:00 PM.  If there was ever a time to pray it’s now!

No Wednesday Night Service

There will be no Wednesday night service this week (4-22-20).  But we plan to pass out snack bags this Wednesday!

Help with our Vision!

Please continue to pray and support our new building for the boys’ ministry!  We can see what natural eyes cannot see…It’s called, “vision”.


I’m hoping that we can begin to have services sometime in May.  We will do it gradually and in stages.  I’ll keep you informed as to what is going on.  Continue to look at the Church FaceBook Page for updates.

You Can Give Online!

For your convenience we can now receive donations/offerings using major credit cards.  To give online through our website,, click on “Give” from the website top menu.