We Christians must come to the absolute conclusion that we’re in a definite race. This race is not for temporal things of life! We’re not racing for the things in which moth or rust or thief can take away from us. This is a race of faith! Jesus said, “Those who endure to the end shall be saved.”

This is not a race in which we are competing against each other! It’s a race in which we join ourselves together as we endeavor to live this Christian life in a way that will bring honor and glory to God! There is the Crown of Life awaiting those who run this race of faith to the end!

Hebrews 12:1-2 says, “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…”

This is one of the most stirring passages in Scripture. A passage that’s written for the purpose of stirring our hearts to run and keep running in the Christian race of life.

What’s the Christian race? It can be described in many ways.

  • It’s the race for heaven!
  • It’s the race for life, for both abundant and eternal life!
  • It’s the race to live with God forever!
  • It’s the race for perfection and to be conformed to the image of Christ!
  • It’s a race for righteousness and holiness!
  • It’s a race for the Promise Land!
  • It’s a race to live in the new heavens and new earth with God!
  • It’s a race to know God, to commune and fellowship with the Lord forever!

This is the great Christian race! The great goal towards which Believers are running! They believe in God and in His great promise of living with Him forever and eternally! They believe in God’s glorious promise of a new heaven and new earth! Believers know if they endure to the end they shall be escorted into the very presence of God! The place where they shall live forever and ever! We await that glorious day of redemption, the day when the heavens and earth shall be remade and perfected forever!

Believers know that day when Satan will be cast into the Lake of Fire! There will be no more temptation to sin, no more evil, corruption, sickness, pain or hardship. There will be no more crying and no more tears! It will be glorious!

The goal of the Christian race is so marvelous that we could go on and on, but the point of this present passage demands our attention. The great Christian race that is before us! It needs to be understood by everyone who is willing to run it! It’s true…not all are willing! Jesus said, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” The Lord may deal with many hearts to follow Him, but not everyone will obey the call of God.

Hebrews 12:1 says, “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses…” This passage doesn’t mean the heroes of faith are spectators watching us down here. They’re not looking as if they’re spying on us! We’re not entertaining them!

It simply means their lives are witnesses to us! We look at their lives as an example! These are people of great faith! Hebrews chapter eleven is the great faith chapter, and they are great examples for us to follow!

You see, it paints a great picture for us. The scene is a great coliseum filled with spectators and the race is about to begin! Exhortations are given before the race starts! “Get rid of all excess weight and clinging entanglement!” “Run and keep on running! “Give it all you’ve got!” “Hold nothing back!” “Pour everything into it!” “Endure to the end!” “Never give up!”

The picture painted by the author shows us the crowd of witnesses in this chapter have already run the race before us! They also have participated in the race that we’re apart of. So, don’t think that you’re alone and nobody knows what you’re going through! That’s just not true! They ran and finished the race themselves! They’ve endured to the end and won! They were victorious! You can be victorious too!

This point is this, the Bible gives us numerous examples of those who stood the great test of faith! It wasn’t easy for them either! Their great faith and endurance should speak to us and stir our hearts. It should inspire us to believe and to endure in our faith and convictions.

The Saints of God never buckled or crumbled in their faith! They kept going! They endured trials, problems, trouble, suffering, loss, hunger, disease, accidents, mockery, abuse, persecution, threats and even in the face of martyrdom!

No matter how terrible or awful the trial, they endured by faith believing in God and His glorious promises! They believed, they pressed on and they kept going! And if they, by the grace of God could run this race and make it, then we too can run this race! We can make it! By the grace of God, we can endure to the end!

My friend, keep going, don’t give up, don’t back down and don’t give into the devil! Run the race that’s set before you by faith! Hebrews 12:1 says, “let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us…”

In other words, don’t get tangled up in sin! Let go of that which slows you down! Don’t allow sin or anything else to hinder you! Run the race and run it with expectancy to win!

Sometimes you have to lighten the load! You must get rid of the excess baggage so you can win! A runner will wear the lightest clothing possible. Have you ever tried to run carrying a heavy backpack? It’s almost impossible! Don’t allow the sins of the flesh to hinder you from running! Lighten the load! Lay it aside and ask the Lord to forgive you! He will you know!

Go to the altar of God and let the Holy Ghost wash through you! Let the cleansing tears run down your cheeks! Be honest with yourself and with God. If there is something holding you back, by all means, let’s get rid of it! Whatever you do, run the race of faith! Don’t quit! Don’t give up!

You might feel weary! You wonder what’s the use? Let me say this, God has called you, saved you, and has purpose for you! He loves you! You’re the apple of His eye! Do the right thing! Make the right choices! Surrender your heart to Him! Do it! Do it now! Don’t wait and don’t delay! Don’t you think it’s time to get your running shoes on? Come on, lace up!

Be blessed — Pastor Mark