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(Click on the titles below to listen to the Word of God)
Most Recent Preaching Services in the Last 2 Months:
Preaching Services That are In a Series:
A Biblical View of Trouble
A Burning Heart
A Gift Everyone Can Give For Christmas!
A Messenger of Satan
A Pattern for Living
A Pattern of Self-Denial
A Perfect Heart
A Sower Went Out To Sow
A Study in 2 Corinthians
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness
Abraham's Journey of Faith
All Those Who Believed Were Together
Alone With God
Alternative Worship (The Death of Todays Church)
An Expository Deductive Teaching of Psalm 13
And Began To Wash the Disciples Feet
And When You Pray
As He Wrestled With Him
Battle Tactics
Be Imitators of God
Be Sensible about Choices
Be the Church! (Part-1)
Behold, I Come!
Beware of Choking Hazards
Beware of the Wiles of the Devil
Bible Basics
Blessed Is the Man (The Blessed Life)
Bringing Christ into Your Crisis
But Ruth Clung to Her
But You, O Lord
Cain Rose Up Against His Brother
Campmeeting October 2009
Campmeeting September 2010
Campmeeting September 2011
Campmeeting September 2012
Characteristics of Being with Christ
Characteristics of True Pentecost
Christian -- Beware!
Christian Maturity
Come and Let Us Go Over
Crying Out Against the Altar
Daring Faith
Destroyed by Pride
Different Kinds of Tongues
Discerning of Spirits
Division in the Church
Do Not Think it Strange...
Dwelling in the Secret Place
Except by Prayer and Fasting
Faith On Fire
Faith on Fire v2
Faithfulness To God
Falling Away to the Antichrist
Farmer to Follower
Followers of Christ
Following the Divine Will of God
For I Am Not Ashamed
For it is God Who Works in You
For My Eyes Have Seen...
Getting to Know the Holy Spirit
Gift of Prophecy
Glorifying God in Body and Spirit
2: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-45) [Glorifying God in Body and Spirit (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
God's Revealed Wisdom
Having the Peace of God in Troubled Times
Holding On
How It All Began
How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me?
How to Be Faithful to God
How to Bring Glory to God
How to Overcome Goliath
How to Overcome the Flesh
How to Respond to Opposition
How to Walk in the Spirit
How to Walk in the Spirit Version 2
If You are With Him, He is With You
It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This
Journey with Hezekiah
Journey with Job
Justified By Faith
Lessons From Wise Men
Let's Not Forget
Living by Faith
Living Right in a Wrong World
Looking Into Hebrews
Lord, Help My Unbelief
Maintain Your Walls
Miriam and Aaron Spoke Against Moses
1: Miriam and Aaron Spoke Against Moses [I Probably Should Not Have Done That] - Numbers 12:1-10, 13
Moral Laxity in the Church
My Steps Had Nearly Slipped
Nevertheless We Made Our Prayer Unto God
Paths to Victory
Pathway to Divine Blessings
Pentecostal Foundations
Peter's Vision...God at Work
Principals of Marriage
Progressing to Spiritual Maturity
Pulling Down Strongholds
Putting It To Practice
Recapturing an Appetite for God
Revival Services April 2015
Revival Services April 2016
Revival Services July 2019
Revival Services June 2017
Revival Services November 2023
Revive Me Once Again
Rut, Rot or Revival
Satan Has Asked For You
Seasons of Being Tested
Seeing and Hearing
Seeing It Through God's Eyes
Silent Times
Sin In The Church
So Abraham Journeyed
Special Services with Pastor Jerry October 2013
Spiritual Receptors
Standing against the Wiles of the Devil
Standing Before the Lord
Strongholds Having a Stronghold
Suffering Doesn't Mean Separation
The Anger of the Lord was Kindled
The Awful Presence of God
The Beatitudes
The Believers Resource
The Blessed Life
The Controversy of Life
The Danger of our Time
The Day God Sent a Famine
The Disposition of Prayer
The Doctrine of Grace & Justification by Faith
The Faithfulness of God
The Foolishness of Preaching
The Glorious Mystery of the Cross
The Great Conflict
The Holy Spirit at Work
The Importance of Being Spiritually Prepared
The Importance of Praise
The Journey of King Asa
The Life and Journey of Moses
The Little Foxes
The Lord Sent a Great Wind
The Making of Moses
The Mind of Christ
The Mission and Ministry of Christ - WOLCC
The Mission and Purpose
The Mystery Babylon
The Need for the Blood
The Path To Victory
The Post Pentecostal Church
The Power of God's Presence
The Power of Pentecost
The Power of the Cross
The Power of the Lord's Presence
The Present and Coming Apostasy
The Product of Pentecost
The Pursuit of God
The Quality of Pentecost
The Secret Ingredient
The Sifting of Peter
The Study of 1 Corinthians
The Study of Last Things
The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon
The Sword of the Spirit
The Test of Discipleship
The Touch of God
The Trial of Our Faith
The True Source of My Joy
The Weapon and the Armor
The Wells of Water
The Will of God
Then the Fire of the Lord Fell
Then We Set a Watch
There Arose a Great Storm
There is a Cost to See It
They That Worship
Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass
Through the Bible Book by Book
To See God In His Glory
To See His Glory
True Biblical Worship
True Christianity
True Disciple
Understanding Temptation
Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit
Understanding the Purpose of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost
Understanding Your Temptation
Unspeakable Words
Unstoppable Faith
Victory Over the Flesh
Victory Through Faith
Walking in the Will of God
Walking With God
What Happened to Prayer?
What is Pure Religion?
What is Revival?
What It Means To Be a Disciple
What it Means to Walk in the Spirit
What the Devil Hopes You Will Forget
When God Sends a Famine
Why Could We Not Cast It Out?
Why Pray?
Why So Many Are Failing God
Why the Test?
Why Trouble the Master?
WOLCC 10th Anniversary Preaching
WOLCC 25th Anniversary Preaching
Working of Miracles
You Have a Comforter
You Shall Make Holy Garments
All Preaching Services Categorized By Person Preaching and Ordered By Date:
Evangelist Aaron Glasco
Brother Brian Schenk
00000006/26/2011 10:30 AM: Revive Us Through God's Word, Judgement, and Loving Kindness - Psalms 119:153-160
Evangelist David Mann
00000010/14/2009 07:00 PM: A Bird On the Mast and a Branch With Berries - 1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 3:1-5
Pastor Don Bailey
00000008/21/2022 10:30 AM: Part-Time Christianity [Half-Hearted Holiness : Playing With Fire] - Judges 13:1
Pastor Duane Harney
Sister Jan Bihn
Pastor Jerry Hunt
00000009/15/2024 10:30 AM: Praying Through To Faithfulness [I Smell the Rain in the House] - Hosea 10:1-2, 12
00000009/08/2021 07:00 PM: The Dissipation of the Gifts? [Where are All the Miracles if God is With Us?] - Judges 6:13-14, 16-18; Ephesians 5:18
Pastor John Deatherage
Sister Joyce Leeth
Brother Larry Little
Sister Lora Lea Dawson
00000006/12/2024 07:00 PM: Rebuilding Our Spiritual Walls for the Work of the Lord Today - Nehemiah 1:5-6
00000008/09/2020 10:30 AM: A Life Worth Living [Winning Against the Spirit of Fear] - 2 Timothy 1:7-8
00000005/29/2019 07:00 PM: The Battle Between the Outward Man and the Inner Man - 2 Corinthians 4:16
00000005/10/2017 07:00 PM: Ministering in the Marketplace: Sharing Christ in Your Marketplace - Acts 17
00000001/08/2017 06:30 PM: Beauty for Ashes, Joy for Mourning, and Praise for Holiness - Isaiah 61:1-6
00000006/03/2015 07:00 PM: Trusting God and Committed To Standing Against the Lions - Proverbs 3:5-6
00000007/09/2014 07:00 PM: Strength, Building Spiritual Muscles; Walking Worthy of the Lord; Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit in Every Good Work - Colossians 1:9-14
00000011/10/2013 10:30 AM: Standing on God's Promises [God's Promise System] - 2 Corinthians 1:20-24
00000010/24/2012 07:00 PM: Let Us Make a Place for God because it is Well With My Soul - 2 Kings 4:8-37
00000008/05/2012 06:00 PM: The Believer's Conduct: A Walk in Unity, Holiness, and Harmony - Ephesians 4:1-6
00000007/13/2011 07:00 PM: In It, but Not of It - Living a Sanctified Life in an Unsanctified World - 1 John 1:5-7
00000006/15/2011 07:00 PM: Living By Hope and By Faith - Am I Filling My Natural Man or My Spiritual Man - 1 Peter 1:21
Pastor Mark Mauldin
00000001/07/2024 10:30 AM: Characteristics of a Healthy Church [Qualities of an Advantageous Christian] - Acts 2:41-47
00000005/07/2023 10:30 AM: Following the Divine Will of God (Part-2) [Divine Direction] - Jeremiah 10:23-24
00000004/30/2023 10:30 AM: Following the Divine Will of God (Part-1) [Divine Direction] - Jeremiah 10:23-24
00000003/20/2022 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-22) [The Great White Throne Judgment] - Revelation 20:11-15
00000003/13/2022 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-21) [The King is Coming] - Revelation 19:11-16
00000003/06/2022 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-20) [The Battle of Armageddon] - Revelation 16:13-16
00000002/27/2022 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-19) [The Vial Judgments] - Revelation 15:5-16:1
00000002/09/2022 07:00 PM: Through the Bible Book by Book (Part-68) [Old Testament - 1 and 2 Samuel]
00000012/19/2021 10:30 AM: A Gift Everyone Can Give For Christmas! (Part-2) - Matthew 1:22-23; Philippians 2:7
00000011/07/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-18) [Eating the Little Book] - Revelation 10:8-11
00000010/31/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-17) [The Fifth Trumpet and the First Woe] - Revelation 9:1-11
00000010/24/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-16) [The Seven Trumpets and Three Woes] - Revelation 8:12-13
00000010/17/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-15) [The Seventh Seal and the Seven Trumpets] - Revelation 8:1-6
00000010/10/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-14) [The Great Harlot] - Revelation 17:1-6
00000006/13/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-13) [The Two Witnesses] - Revelation 11:11-13
00000006/06/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-12) [The Two Witnesses] - Revelation 11:3-6
00000005/30/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-13) - 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
00000005/30/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-11) [The Two Witnesses] - Revelation 11:3-6
00000005/23/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-12) - 1 Corinthians 12:10-11; 1 Corinthians 14:1-5
00000005/23/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-10) [A Harvest of Souls] - 1 Peter 4:7; Hebrews 11:7; Revelation 6:9-11
00000005/16/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-11) - 1 Corinithians 12:1-11
00000005/02/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-9) [The Seven Seal Judgements] - Revelation 6:5-6
00000004/18/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-10) - 1 Corinthians 14:1-5
00000004/18/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-8) [The Seven Seal Judgements - World War Three] - Revelation 6:1-4
00000004/11/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-9) - 1 Corinthians 12:10; 14:1-5
00000003/28/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-8) - 1 Corinthians 12:10-11
00000003/28/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-7) [The Seven Seal Judgements] - Revelation 5:1-5, 6:1-2
00000003/21/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-7) - 1 Corinthians 12:8
00000003/21/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-6) [A Glimpse of Heaven] - Revelation 4:1-4
00000003/14/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-5) [The Beast] - Revelation 13:1-9
00000003/07/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-6) - 1 Corinthians 12:1, 8-10
00000003/07/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-4) [The Four Beasts and the Little Horn] - Daniel 7:15-22; Revelation 22:10
00000002/28/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-3) [The Coming Rapture] - Revelation 4:1; Titus 2:12-13
00000002/21/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-5) - 1 Corinthians 12:1, 8
00000002/21/2021 10:30 AM: Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass (Part-2) - Revelation 1:1-3, 4:1; Matthew 24:43-44
00000002/07/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-4) - 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
00000001/17/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-3) [Pentecostal Distinctives] - 1 Corinthians 12:1
00000001/10/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-2) [Pentecostal Distinctives] - Acts 1:4-5
00000001/03/2021 06:30 PM: Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Part-1) [Pentecostal Distinctives] - Acts 1:4-5
00000012/06/2020 06:30 PM: The Importance of Being Spiritually Prepared (Part-2) - Exodus 19:10-11, 17
00000010/28/2020 07:00 PM: Through the Bible Book by Book (Part-20) [Old Testament - Leviticus and Numbers]
00000008/26/2020 07:00 PM: Through the Bible Book by Book (Part-13) [Old Testament - Exodus and Leviticus]
00000007/22/2020 07:00 PM: Through the Bible Book by Book (Part-10) [Old Testament - Genesis and Exodus]
00000007/19/2020 06:30 PM: Pathway to Divine Blessings (Part-2) [Jacob's Journey with God] - Genesis 32:26-29
00000007/19/2020 10:30 AM: Pathway to Divine Blessings (Part-1) [Jacob's Journey with God] - Genesis 32:26-29
00000007/08/2020 07:00 PM: Through the Bible Book by Book (Part-8) [Old Testament - Reviewing Genesis]
00000001/13/2019 10:30 AM: The Need for the Blood (Part-1) [Do you have the right key?] - Hebrews 9:15-22
00000011/29/2017 07:00 PM: Understanding the Purpose of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost (Part-3) - Acts 2:1-4
00000011/01/2017 07:00 PM: Understanding the Purpose of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost (Part-2) - Luke 24:49
00000010/25/2017 07:00 PM: Understanding the Purpose of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost (Part-1) - Luke 24:49
00000010/08/2017 10:30 AM: The Anger of the Lord was Kindled (Part-3) [The Sacrifice] - 2 Samuel 24:18-24
00000007/23/2017 10:30 AM: How to Respond to Opposition (Part-3) [Stay Calm and Carry On] - Nehemiah 4:7-9
00000007/09/2017 10:30 AM: How to Respond to Opposition (Part-2) [Stay Calm and Carry On] - Nehemiah 4:7-9
00000007/02/2017 10:30 AM: How to Respond to Opposition (Part-1) [Stay Calm and Carry On] - Nehemiah 4:7-9
00000006/18/2017 06:30 PM: Miriam and Aaron Spoke Against Moses (Part-2) [I Probably Should Not Have Done That] - Numbers 12:1-10, 13
00000006/11/2017 10:30 AM: Miriam and Aaron Spoke Against Moses [I Probably Should Not Have Done That] - Numbers 12:1-10, 13
00000002/22/2017 07:00 PM: An Expository Deductive Teaching of Psalm 13 (Part-3) [David's Crisis and Cure] - Psalms 13
00000002/15/2017 07:00 PM: An Expository Deductive Teaching of Psalm 13 (Part-2) [David's Crisis and Cure] - Psalms 13
00000002/01/2017 07:00 PM: An Expository Deductive Teaching of Psalm 13 (Part-1) [David's Crisis and Cure] - Psalms 13
00000010/19/2016 07:00 PM: What It Means To Be a Disciple (Part-9) [The Test of Discipleship] - Luke 6:40
00000010/12/2016 07:00 PM: What It Means To Be a Disciple (Part-8) [The Test of Discipleship] - Luke 6:40
00000009/28/2016 07:00 PM: What It Means To Be a Disciple (Part-7) [The Test of Discipleship] - Luke 6:40
00000009/21/2016 07:00 PM: What It Means To Be a Disciple (Part-6) [The Test of Discipleship] - Luke 6:40
00000009/14/2016 07:00 PM: What It Means To Be a Disciple (Part-5) [The Test of Discipleship] - Luke 6:40
00000009/07/2016 07:00 PM: What It Means To Be a Disciple (Part-4) [The Test of Discipleship] - Luke 6:40
00000003/09/2016 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-78) [My Grace is Sufficient] - 2 Corinthians
00000003/02/2016 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-77) [My Grace is Sufficient] - 2 Corinthians
00000012/02/2015 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-69) [Satan Behind the Scenes] - 2 Corinthians
00000011/18/2015 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-68) [Jealousy for the Church] - 2 Corinthians
00000009/30/2015 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-64) [The Use of Spiritual Authority] - 2 Corinthians
00000006/10/2015 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-59) [Spiritual Warfare: The Defense of the Ministry] - 2 Corinthians
00000001/15/2015 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-50) [The Joy of Reconciliation] - 2 Corinthians
00000012/17/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-49) [The Joy of Reconciliation] - 2 Corinthians
00000012/03/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-47) [Spiritual Separation] - 2 Corinthians
00000011/12/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-46) [The Appeal for Separation] - 2 Corinthians
00000011/05/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-45) [The Appeal for Separation] - 2 Corinthians
00000010/29/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-44) [The Appeal for Separation] - 2 Corinthians
00000010/22/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-43) [Suffering for Christ] - 2 Corinthians
00000010/15/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-42) [Suffering for Christ] - 2 Corinthians
00000010/08/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-41) [Ambassadors for Christ] - 2 Corinthians
00000010/05/2014 10:30 AM: The Lord Sent a Great Wind (Part-4) [The Journey with Jonah] - Jonah 3:1-10
00000009/28/2014 10:30 AM: The Lord Sent a Great Wind (Part-3) [The Lord Prepared a Great Fish] - Jonah 1:17
00000008/20/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-37) [The Motive of the Heart] - 2 Corinthians
00000008/13/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-36) [The Motive of the Heart] - 2 Corinthians
00000007/30/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-35) [We Have a Future Hope] - 2 Corinthians
00000007/16/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-34) [We Have a Future Hope] - 2 Corinthians
00000005/28/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-28) [Courage for the Conflict] - 2 Corinthians
00000005/14/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-27) [Courage for the Conflict] - 2 Corinthians
00000005/07/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-26) [Courage for the Conflict] - 2 Corinthians
00000004/16/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-24) [The Glory of the New Covenant] - 2 Corinthians
00000004/09/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-23) [The Glory of the New Covenant] - 2 Corinthians
00000003/12/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-20) [Christian Triumph and Victory] - 2 Corinthians
00000002/26/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-19) [Forgiveness and Restoration] - 2 Corinthians
00000002/12/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-18) [Forgiveness and Restoration] - 2 Corinthians
00000002/02/2014 10:30 AM: The Will of God (Part-7) [Conditions to the Will of God] - Psalms 32:8-11
00000001/29/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-17) [Church Love and Discipline] - 2 Corinthians
00000001/22/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-16) [Church Love and Discipline] - 2 Corinthians
00000001/19/2014 06:30 PM: The Will of God (Part-6) [Understanding the Will of God] - Ephesians 5:14-17
00000001/19/2014 10:30 AM: The Will of God (Part-5) [Understand What the Will of the Lord Is] - Ephesians 5:14-17
00000001/15/2014 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-15) [Paul's Great Love for the Church] - 2 Corinthians
00000001/12/2014 10:30 AM: The Will of God (Part-4) [According to the Will of God] - Galatians 1:1-5
00000001/05/2014 10:30 AM: The Will of God (Part-3) [Whosoever Shall Do the Will of God] - Mark 3:31-35
00000012/29/2013 10:30 AM: The Will of God (Part-2) [But He that Doeth the Will of God] - 1 John 2:15-17
00000012/18/2013 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-14) [The Working of the Holy Spirit] - 2 Corinthians
00000011/20/2013 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-13) [Promises of God are Yes and Amen] - 2 Corinthians
00000011/13/2013 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-12) [Working Thru Misunderstandings] - 2 Corinthians
00000011/07/2013 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-11) [Working Thru Misunderstandings] - 2 Corinthians
00000010/30/2013 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-10) [Comfort Through Trials] - 2 Corinthians
00000010/02/2013 07:00 PM: A Study in 2 Corinthians (Part-8) [The Suffering and Comfort] - 2 Corinthians
00000002/06/2013 07:00 PM: Pentecostal Foundations (Part-25) [Different Kinds of Tongues (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
00000001/30/2013 07:00 PM: Pentecostal Foundations (Part-24) [Different Kinds of Tongues (Part-1)] - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
00000001/09/2013 07:00 PM: Pentecostal Foundations (Part-23) [Discerning of Spirits (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
00000001/02/2013 07:00 PM: Pentecostal Foundations (Part-22) [Discerning of Spirits (Part-1)] - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
00000008/28/2011 06:00 PM: The Courage to Stand - Matthew 10:32; Luke 12:8; John 4:15; Ephesians 6:10-11
00000006/08/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-54) [A Pattern of Self-Denial (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
00000006/01/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-53) [A Pattern of Self-Denial (Part-1)] - 1 Corinthians
00000005/18/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-52) [Be Sensible about Choices (Part-4)] - 1 Corinthians
00000005/11/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-51) [Be Sensible about Choices (Part-3)] - 1 Corinthians
00000004/27/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-50) [Be Sensible about Choices (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
00000004/20/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-49) [Be Sensible about Choices (Part-1)] - 1 Corinthians
00000004/13/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-48) [Principals of Marriage (Part-3)] - 1 Corinthians
00000004/06/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-47) [Principals of Marriage (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
00000003/23/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-46) [Principals of Marriage] - 1 Corinthians
00000003/16/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-45) [Glorifying God in Body and Spirit (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
00000003/09/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-44) [Glorifying God in Body and Spirit] - 1 Corinthians
00000002/23/2011 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-43) [Moral Laxity in the Church (Part-6)] - 1 Corinthians
00000011/17/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-42) [Moral Laxity in the Church (Part-5)] - 1 Corinthians
00000011/10/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-41) [Moral Laxity in the Church (Part-4)] - 1 Corinthians
00000011/03/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-40) [Moral Laxity in the Church (Part-3)] - 1 Corinthians
00000010/27/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-39) [Moral Laxity in the Church (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
00000010/20/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-38) [Moral Laxity in the Church (Part-1)] - 1 Corinthians
00000010/13/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-37) [Restoration of Erring Saints] - 1 Corinthians
00000010/06/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-36) [Sin In The Church (Part-4)] - 1 Corinthians
00000009/29/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-35) [Sin In The Church (Part-3)] - 1 Corinthians
00000009/15/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-34) [Sin In The Church (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
00000009/08/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-33) [Sin In The Church (Part-1)] - 1 Corinthians
00000005/19/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-31) [The Life of Apostleship] - 1 Corinthians
00000005/12/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-30) [Judgment or Discernment] - 1 Corinthians
00000005/05/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-29) [Faithfulness To God (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
00000004/07/2010 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-28) [Faithfulness To God] - 1 Corinthians
00000002/14/2010 06:00 PM: The Doctrine of Grace & Justification by Faith (Part-4) - Galatians 2:16; 4:1-11
00000002/07/2010 06:00 PM: The Doctrine of Grace & Justification by Faith (Part-3) - Galatians 2:16; 3:15-26
00000001/31/2010 10:30 AM: The Doctrine of Grace & Justification by Faith (Part-2) - Galatians 2:16; 3:6-14
00000001/24/2010 10:30 AM: The Doctrine of Grace & Justification by Faith (Part-1) - Galatians 2:16; 3:1-5
00000011/18/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-27) [Works Will Be Tested] - 1 Corinthians
00000011/04/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-26) [The Right Foundation] - 1 Corinthians
00000010/28/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-25) [The Motive of Our Labor] - 1 Corinthians
00000009/09/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-20) ["God's Revealed Wisdom" (Part-3)] - 1 Corinthians
00000008/26/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-19) ["God's Revealed Wisdom" (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
00000008/19/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-18) ["God's Revealed Wisdom" (Part-1)] - 1 Corinthians
00000006/24/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-16) ["Called to Glorify God"] - 1 Corinthians
00000006/17/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-15) ["The Power of the Cross" (Part-6)] - 1 Corinthians
00000006/10/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-14) ["The Power of the Cross" (Part-5)] - 1 Corinthians
00000006/03/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-13) ["The Power of the Cross" (Part-4)] - 1 Corinthians
00000005/27/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-12) ["The Power of the Cross" (Part-3)] - 1 Corinthians
00000005/20/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-11) ["The Power of the Cross" (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
00000005/13/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-10) ["The Power of the Cross" (Part-1)] - 1 Corinthians
00000005/06/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-9) ["Division in the Church" (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
00000004/15/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-8) ["Division in the Church" (Part-1)] - 1 Corinthians
00000004/01/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-7) ["The Believers Resource" (Part-3)] - 1 Corinthians
00000003/25/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-6) ["The Believers Resource" (Part-2)] - 1 Corinthians
00000003/18/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-5) ["The Believers Resource" (Part-1)] - 1 Corinthians
00000003/11/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-4) ["God's Undeniable Grace"] - 1 Corinthians
00000002/11/2009 07:00 PM: The Study of 1 Corinthians (Part-1) ["Getting Acquainted with Corinth"] - 1 Corinthians
Brother Matthew Mauldin
00000006/12/2016 06:30 PM: Doing So Much for the Devil by Doing Nothing for God - Proverbs 6:6-9; Hebrews 6:12
Brother Michael Mauldin
Sister Morgan Mauldin
Reverend Rodney Brooks
00000006/20/2010 06:00 PM: The Judgement Against Capernaum - Matthew 19:16; Luke 4:29-32; Matthew 4:13
Brother Ron Hazlett
Reverend Scott Ennis
Brother Scott Oswald
Evangelist Shamgar Deatherage
Brother Tim Holt
Sister Tina Mauldin
Reverend Todd Sloggett
00000005/22/2021 07:00 PM: Saber-Toothed Tigers, Wooly Mammoths, Black Rhinoceroses, and the American Father - James 1:27
00000007/10/2019 07:00 PM: God Makes Masterpieces Even When He's Just Playing In the Dirt - Genesis 2:7
00000004/12/2016 07:00 PM: The Devil Will Help You With Excuses: God Will Help You With Solutions - James 1:13-16
Brother Trevor Gibson
Sister Tyra Gibson
WOLCC Unashamed Youth Group
00000005/01/2016 06:30 PM: Unashamed Youth Group Testimonies From London, Kentucky Missions Conference
Pastor Wynand DeWet