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(Click on the titles below to listen to the Word of God)
Most Recent Preaching Services in the Last 2 Months:
00000003/16/2025 10:30 AM:   Cockeyed Christians - Psalms 32:8
00000003/09/2025 06:30 PM:   SHADES - Genesis 1:26-27
00000003/09/2025 10:30 AM:   Breaking Through Your Quitting - 2 Timothy 4:6-7
00000002/23/2025 10:30 AM:   The Transformation - Acts 3:1-10
00000002/02/2025 06:30 PM:   Why Trouble the Master? (Part-6) - Mark 5:39-42
00000002/02/2025 10:30 AM:   Why Trouble the Master? (Part-5) - Mark 5:39-42
Preaching Services That are In a Series:
A Biblical View of Trouble
A Burning Heart
A Gift Everyone Can Give For Christmas!
A Messenger of Satan
A Pattern for Living
A Pattern of Self-Denial
A Perfect Heart
A Sower Went Out To Sow
A Study in 2 Corinthians
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness
Abraham's Journey of Faith
All Those Who Believed Were Together
Alone With God
Alternative Worship (The Death of Todays Church)
An Expository Deductive Teaching of Psalm 13
And Began To Wash the Disciples Feet
And When You Pray
As He Wrestled With Him
Battle Tactics
Be Imitators of God
Be Sensible about Choices
Be the Church! (Part-1)
Behold, I Come!
Beware of Choking Hazards
Beware of the Wiles of the Devil
Bible Basics
Blessed Is the Man (The Blessed Life)
Bringing Christ into Your Crisis
But Ruth Clung to Her
But You, O Lord
Cain Rose Up Against His Brother
Campmeeting October 2009
Campmeeting September 2010
Campmeeting September 2011
Campmeeting September 2012
Characteristics of Being with Christ
Characteristics of True Pentecost
Christian -- Beware!
Christian Maturity
Come and Let Us Go Over
Crying Out Against the Altar
Daring Faith
Destroyed by Pride
Different Kinds of Tongues
Discerning of Spirits
Division in the Church
Do Not Think it Strange...
Dwelling in the Secret Place
Except by Prayer and Fasting
Faith On Fire
Faith on Fire v2
Faithfulness To God
Falling Away to the Antichrist
Farmer to Follower
Followers of Christ
Following the Divine Will of God
For I Am Not Ashamed
For it is God Who Works in You
For My Eyes Have Seen...
Getting to Know the Holy Spirit
Gift of Prophecy
Glorifying God in Body and Spirit
God's Revealed Wisdom
Having the Peace of God in Troubled Times
Holding On
How It All Began
How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me?
How to Be Faithful to God
How to Bring Glory to God
How to Overcome Goliath
How to Overcome the Flesh
How to Respond to Opposition
How to Walk in the Spirit
How to Walk in the Spirit Version 2
If You are With Him, He is With You
It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This
Journey with Hezekiah
Journey with Job
Justified By Faith
Lessons From Wise Men
Let's Not Forget
Living by Faith
Living Right in a Wrong World
Looking Into Hebrews
Lord, Help My Unbelief
Maintain Your Walls
Miriam and Aaron Spoke Against Moses
Moral Laxity in the Church
My Steps Had Nearly Slipped
Nevertheless We Made Our Prayer Unto God
Paths to Victory
Pathway to Divine Blessings
Pentecostal Foundations
Peter's Vision...God at Work
Principals of Marriage
Progressing to Spiritual Maturity
Pulling Down Strongholds
Putting It To Practice
Recapturing an Appetite for God
Revival Services April 2015
Revival Services April 2016
Revival Services July 2019
Revival Services June 2017
Revival Services November 2023
Revive Me Once Again
Rut, Rot or Revival
Satan Has Asked For You
Seasons of Being Tested
Seeing and Hearing
Seeing It Through God's Eyes
Silent Times
Sin In The Church
So Abraham Journeyed
Special Services with Pastor Jerry October 2013
Spiritual Receptors
Standing against the Wiles of the Devil
Standing Before the Lord
Strongholds Having a Stronghold
Suffering Doesn't Mean Separation
The Anger of the Lord was Kindled
The Awful Presence of God
The Beatitudes
The Believers Resource
The Blessed Life
The Controversy of Life
The Danger of our Time
The Day God Sent a Famine
The Disposition of Prayer
The Doctrine of Grace & Justification by Faith
The Faithfulness of God
The Foolishness of Preaching
The Glorious Mystery of the Cross
The Great Conflict
The Holy Spirit at Work
The Importance of Being Spiritually Prepared
The Importance of Praise
The Journey of King Asa
The Life and Journey of Moses
The Little Foxes
The Lord Sent a Great Wind
The Making of Moses
The Mind of Christ
The Mission and Ministry of Christ - WOLCC
The Mission and Purpose
The Mystery Babylon
The Need for the Blood
The Path To Victory
The Post Pentecostal Church
The Power of God's Presence
The Power of Pentecost
The Power of the Cross
The Power of the Lord's Presence
The Present and Coming Apostasy
The Product of Pentecost
The Pursuit of God
The Quality of Pentecost
The Secret Ingredient
The Sifting of Peter
The Study of 1 Corinthians
The Study of Last Things
The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon
The Sword of the Spirit
The Test of Discipleship
The Touch of God
The Trial of Our Faith
The True Source of My Joy
The Weapon and the Armor
The Wells of Water
The Will of God
Then the Fire of the Lord Fell
Then We Set a Watch
There Arose a Great Storm
There is a Cost to See It
They That Worship
Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass
Through the Bible Book by Book
To See God In His Glory
To See His Glory
True Biblical Worship
True Christianity
True Disciple
Understanding Temptation
Understanding the Operations of the Holy Spirit
Understanding the Purpose of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost
Understanding Your Temptation
Unspeakable Words
Unstoppable Faith
Victory Over the Flesh
Victory Through Faith
Walking in the Will of God
Walking With God
What Happened to Prayer?
What is Pure Religion?
What is Revival?
What It Means To Be a Disciple
What it Means to Walk in the Spirit
What the Devil Hopes You Will Forget
When God Sends a Famine
Why Could We Not Cast It Out?
Why Pray?
Why So Many Are Failing God
Why the Test?
Why Trouble the Master?
WOLCC 10th Anniversary Preaching
WOLCC 25th Anniversary Preaching
Working of Miracles
You Have a Comforter
You Shall Make Holy Garments
All Preaching Services Categorized By Person Preaching and Ordered By Date:
Evangelist Aaron Glasco
00000011/08/2023 06:30 PM:   Maybe, Just Maybe, There's More - 2 Kings 2:7-9
00000011/07/2023 06:30 PM:   Blessed By His Presence - 2 Samuel 6:1-7, 9-11
00000011/05/2023 06:30 PM:   I Feel His Presence in My Prison - Acts 16:23-27
00000011/05/2023 10:30 AM:   Sleepy Saints - Acts 20:7-11
Brother Brian Schenk
00000007/17/2016 10:30 AM:   Follow and Go - Matthew 4:18-22; 28:19
00000001/06/2016 07:00 PM:   Being Ready - Luke 12:16-20
00000007/26/2015 06:30 PM:   Seek Me and Live - Amos 5:4-6, 14-15
00000010/26/2014 10:30 AM:   Eat, Drink, and Breathe the Lord - John 6:35
00000005/25/2014 10:30 AM:   Bigger Than Ourselves - 1 Timothy 6:18-19
00000002/23/2014 06:30 PM:   What Makes Us Separate? - John 13-34-35
00000007/28/2013 10:30 AM:   Life Hidden With Christ - Colossians 3:1-3
00000007/21/2013 10:30 AM:   Made for Good Works - Ephesians 2:8-10
00000003/17/2013 10:30 AM:   Watching for the Master - Luke 12:35-40
00000001/13/2013 06:00 PM:   What's your Ministry? - 2 Corinthians 6:1
00000011/04/2012 06:00 PM:   Fulfill Your Ministry - 2 Timothy 1:12-14
00000008/05/2012 10:30 AM:   The Desire to be Last - Mark 10:42-43
00000007/01/2012 06:00 PM:   The One Thing I Do - Philippians 3:12-14
00000006/24/2012 10:30 AM:   Jesus Stands in the Gap - Ezekiel 22:30
00000003/11/2012 10:30 AM:   Contend for the Faith - Jude 1-4; 16-21
00000005/25/2011 07:00 PM:   God's Heart for the Church - Ezekiel 34:1-4
00000001/30/2011 06:00 PM:   The Great Separation - 2 Corinthians 6:17
00000012/01/2010 07:00 PM:   Love in Action and Deeds - 1 John 3:18
Evangelist David Mann
00000009/28/2012 07:00 PM:   Keep Climbing the Mountain - Psalms 24:3
00000009/27/2012 07:00 PM:   What Happens If Not? - Daniel 3:16-18
00000009/26/2012 07:00 PM:   Get Off the Throne - Jonah 3:1-6, 9-10
00000009/23/2012 06:00 PM:   The Lily Among Thorns - Song of Solomon 2:1-2
00000009/23/2012 10:30 AM:   Have You Heard - 1 Kings 8:41-42
00000009/22/2011 07:00 PM:   In the Meantime - 1 Corinthians 15:51-58
00000009/21/2011 07:00 PM:   Talk is Cheap - Proverbs 14:23
00000009/20/2011 07:00 PM:   Why Not Here and Why Not Now - Acts 8:26-37
00000009/18/2011 06:00 PM:   Leftovers - Isaiah 44:14-17
00000009/18/2011 10:30 AM:   What a Difference a Day Makes - Psalms 118:23-24
00000009/22/2010 07:00 PM:   He Is Altogether Lovely - Song of Solomon 5:9-16
00000009/21/2010 07:00 PM:   Your Second Wind - John 20:22; Acts 2:1
00000009/20/2010 07:00 PM:   Pressing In - Luke 16:16
00000009/19/2010 06:00 PM:   He's in the Midst--or is He? - Deuteronomy 23:14
00000009/19/2010 10:30 AM:   He Spared Nothing - Romans 8:31-32
00000010/13/2009 07:00 PM:   What's Hindering You - Acts 8:26-40
00000010/12/2009 07:00 PM:   The Accuser - Revelation 12:10
00000010/11/2009 06:00 PM:   Why the Fire? - Acts 2:1-4
00000010/11/2009 10:30 AM:   God's Chosen Place - 2 Chronicles 7:1-2, 12
Pastor Don Bailey
00000010/20/2024 10:30 AM:   Running On Empty - Matthew 25:1-13
00000011/27/2022 10:30 AM:   The New Life - 1 Peter 1:1-9
00000011/28/2021 10:30 AM:   God is Calling You - Jeremiah 1:4-5
Pastor Duane Harney
00000009/13/2009 10:30 AM:   Stopping Short - 2 Kings 13:14-19
Sister Jan Bihn
00000011/17/2024 06:30 PM:   The Same God - Psalms 22:1-31
00000009/01/2024 06:30 PM:   In the Midst of Chaos - Psalms 46:1-11
00000007/07/2024 06:30 PM:   Pride at the Prayer Meeting - Romans 12:1
00000002/11/2024 06:30 PM:   A Prayer for the Church - Colossians 1:9-14
00000010/01/2023 06:30 PM:   Look What You've Done - Proverbs 23:29-35
00000006/11/2023 06:30 PM:   Weak + Hungry = Weary - Matthew 5:6
00000004/02/2023 06:30 PM:   Welcoming Jesus - Zechariah 9:9
00000001/29/2023 06:30 PM:   What About Today? - Philippians 4:11-13, 19
00000008/28/2022 06:30 PM:   Waiting Well - Psalms 40:1-3
00000007/10/2022 06:30 PM:   Receiving God's Comfort - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
00000002/13/2022 06:30 PM:   Freed To Free - Isaiah 61:1
00000011/28/2021 06:30 PM:   Worrier to Warrior - Psalms 141-144
00000009/26/2021 06:30 PM:   Show Me Your Glory - Exodus 33:18
00000007/18/2021 06:30 PM:   Whom Shall I Send? - Isaiah 6:1-8
00000008/02/2020 06:30 PM:   What Is Truth? - John 18:37-38
00000006/30/2019 06:30 PM:   Fly Higher - Matthew 11:28-30
00000005/12/2019 06:30 PM:   God's Will - Ephesians 1:14
00000003/31/2019 06:30 PM:   A New Day - Psalms 90:14-16
00000003/03/2019 06:30 PM:   The Promise of the Father - Joel 2:28-29
00000001/06/2019 06:30 PM:   Hope In Him - Ruth 1:19
00000010/21/2018 06:30 PM:   No Time For God - Isaiah 49:16
00000009/02/2018 06:30 PM:   Shall We Continue In Sin? - Romans 6
00000005/27/2018 06:30 PM:   Working With the Lord - 1 Corinthians 15:57-58
00000005/06/2018 06:30 PM:   Why Not You? - Psalms 139
00000004/22/2018 06:30 PM:   My Heavenly Home - Colossians 3:1-2
00000002/11/2018 06:30 PM:   Are You Weary? - Matthew 11:28-30
00000011/12/2017 06:30 PM:   Faithful Obedient Prayer Life - Hebrews 11:6
00000007/16/2017 06:30 PM:   Why Are You Here? - Acts 2:41-47
00000006/19/2016 06:30 PM:   The Jonah Church - Jonah 1:2-3
00000003/20/2016 06:30 PM:   Give Me To Drink - John 4:5-42
00000011/22/2015 06:30 PM:   A Thanksgiving Devotion - Psalms 116:17
00000003/22/2015 06:30 PM:   God Seeks Intercessors - Isaiah 62:6-7
00000012/14/2014 06:30 PM:   God's Faithfulness - Hebrews 13:5
00000010/26/2014 06:30 PM:   I Will Build My Church - Matthew 16:16-18
00000002/19/2012 06:00 PM:   Being Prepared - Judges 2:10
Pastor Jerry Hunt
00000008/17/2022 07:00 PM:   Truth - John 8:32; Isaiah 28:10
00000003/30/2022 07:00 PM:   Sanctification - Ephesians 5:25-27
00000012/15/2021 07:00 PM:   Double Communion - Revelation 1:11; 3:14-22
00000010/07/2020 07:00 PM:   The Divine Objective - Proverbs 29:18
00000003/28/2018 07:00 PM:   The Disposition of Prayer - Matthew 7:7
00000001/17/2018 07:00 PM:   Contentment - Philippians 4:11-13
00000011/15/2017 07:00 PM:   The Will of the Father - 1 John 2:15
00000011/08/2017 07:00 PM:   Live Looking at Him - Ephesians 5:25-27
00000007/12/2017 07:00 PM:   The Fruit of Godly Fear - Ecclesiastes 12:13
00000010/23/2013 07:00 PM:   But God Was With Him - Acts 7:9
00000010/22/2013 07:00 PM:   Road Blocks to Divine Revelation - Matthew 16:17
00000010/21/2013 07:00 PM:   A Servant to the Believer - Romans 8:28
00000007/24/2013 07:00 PM:   Internal Versus External - Ephesians 6:12
00000003/20/2013 07:00 PM:   Strengthen the Inner Man - Ephesians 3:1, 14-20
00000004/11/2012 07:00 PM:   Wait On the Lord - Isaiah 40:29-31
00000001/06/2011 07:00 PM:   The Lord is My Helper - Psalms 12:1-8
00000001/13/2010 07:00 PM:   What Shall We Then Say - Romans 8:31
00000009/13/2009 04:00 PM:   Rejoicing Though Heavy-Hearted - 1 Peter 1:6-9
Pastor John Deatherage
00000001/28/2024 06:30 PM:   The Signs of Rebellion - Hebrews 3:5-17
Sister Joyce Leeth
00000010/19/2014 10:30 AM:   The Breath of Life - Genesis 2:7
Brother Larry Little
00000012/01/2019 06:30 PM:   Is Jesus Your Lord and King? - Luke 5:24
Sister Lora Lea Dawson
00000011/24/2024 10:30 AM:   Giving Thanks to the Lord! - Ephesians 5:19-21
00000011/13/2024 07:00 PM:   The Valley of Decision - Joel 3:2, 12-14
00000008/18/2024 06:30 PM:   Deserted in the Desert - Psalms 63:1-8
00000007/10/2024 07:00 PM:   There is a Remnant - 1 Kings 19:18
00000010/25/2023 07:00 PM:   He Leadeth Me - Psalms 23:1-3
00000003/29/2023 07:00 PM:   No Matter What - Habakkuk 3:16-19
00000002/01/2023 07:00 PM:   World's Pressure and God's Power - 2 Peter 1:3-4
00000008/24/2022 07:00 PM:   Grasping God's Care - Ephesians 3:14-19
00000007/27/2022 07:00 PM:   Strength For the Journey - Ezra 7:6
00000003/09/2022 07:00 PM:   Building Our Faith - Matthew 8:23-27
00000012/05/2021 06:30 PM:   Following the Shepherd - Psalms 23
00000009/15/2021 07:00 PM:   What If? - Hebrews 11:1-3
00000007/14/2021 07:00 PM:   Casting Your Cares - 1 Peter 5:5-11
00000006/20/2021 10:30 AM:   Consistency in our Foundation - Genesis 5:21-24
00000001/24/2021 10:30 AM:   Being a Daniel Everyday - Daniel 1:1-8
00000009/30/2020 07:00 PM:   Overcoming and Being Overcomers - 1 John 5:4
00000007/29/2020 07:00 PM:   Adversity - What's In It For Me? - James 1:2-4
00000010/06/2019 06:30 PM:   The Heart of a Servant's Attitude - Acts 20:19
00000008/14/2019 07:00 PM:   God Wants You Back - Jonah 1:1-5
00000007/28/2019 10:30 AM:   The Sheep Look at the Shepherd - Psalms 23
00000006/02/2019 06:30 PM:   Standing In the Shadows - Acts 5:15
00000003/27/2019 07:00 PM:   Faith - Luke 18:8
00000012/12/2018 07:00 PM:   Our Hiding Place - Genesis 3:8-13; Psalms 32:7
00000009/05/2018 07:00 PM:   Guard Your Heart - Proverbs 4:20-27
00000008/15/2018 07:00 PM:   Committed Like Daniel - Daniel 6:1-5
00000006/27/2018 07:00 PM:   A Radical Approach to Trials - James 1:1-3
00000004/15/2018 10:30 AM:   A Couple Who Were Always Moving - Acts 18:1-3
00000003/07/2018 07:00 PM:   What Does God Expect From You? - Malachi 3:1-5
00000001/03/2018 07:00 PM:   While You Hold On and Wait - Acts 1:1-14
00000012/13/2017 07:00 PM:   Bent, but Not Broken - Psalms 56:1-13
00000007/16/2017 10:30 AM:   The Person God Uses - Jeremiah 1:4-14
00000012/07/2016 07:00 PM:   The Release of Praise - Psalms 150, 63:1-5
00000008/28/2016 06:30 PM:   Living In Peace - Philippians 4:6-7
00000005/01/2016 10:30 AM:   Examine Yourself - 2 Corinthians 13:5
00000003/20/2016 10:30 AM:   The Cost Behind the Anointing - Jeremiah 18:1-6
00000003/06/2016 10:30 AM:   Our Slide Into the World - Genesis 13:10-12
00000012/30/2015 07:00 PM:   Fear and the Commission of Joshua - Joshua 1:1-9
00000011/22/2015 10:30 AM:   Consider Your Ways - Haggai 1:1-6
00000011/11/2015 07:00 PM:   Sanctified and Preserved - Jude 1-2
00000008/12/2015 07:00 PM:   Faith To Empty Your Alabaster Box - Mark 14:1-11
00000007/26/2015 10:30 AM:   Master and Servants God's Way - Ephesians 6:5-9
00000006/24/2015 07:00 PM:   Hold On to Your Confidence and Push - Acts 19:2
00000005/06/2015 07:00 PM:   Expiration Date and Shelf Life - Psalms 90:1-2
00000004/29/2015 07:00 PM:   The Battle - 2 Chronicles 20:15
00000004/05/2015 08:30 AM:   The Stone Was Rolled Away - John 20:10-12
00000003/11/2015 07:00 PM:   The Weapon and the Armor - Ephesians 6:18
00000011/02/2014 10:30 AM:   God's Battle Plan - Joshua 1:1-18
00000008/06/2014 07:00 PM:   Triumph in Obedience - Hebrews 11:7
00000007/23/2014 07:00 PM:   What is Your Isaac? - Hebrews 11:17-19
00000005/21/2014 07:00 PM:   Commitment to God's Word - Daniel 6:10
00000010/16/2013 07:00 PM:   The Secret Place - Psalms 91
00000007/28/2013 06:00 PM:   Bold Faith: Bold and Courageous - Hebrews 11:4
00000007/03/2013 07:00 PM:   The Mind of Christ - 1 Corinthians 2:16
00000001/16/2013 07:00 PM:   The Slide into Sodom - Genesis 13:10
00000012/16/2012 06:00 PM:   His Grace is Sufficient - 2 Corinthians 12:9
00000007/18/2012 07:00 PM:   Walk on the Water - Matthew 14:22-33
00000006/24/2012 06:00 PM:   The Endurance of Faith - 2 Timothy 2:3-4
00000012/29/2010 07:00 PM:   And We Know - Psalms 37:18-19
Pastor Mark Mauldin
00000003/16/2025 10:30 AM:   Cockeyed Christians - Psalms 32:8
00000003/09/2025 10:30 AM:   Breaking Through Your Quitting - 2 Timothy 4:6-7
00000002/23/2025 10:30 AM:   The Transformation - Acts 3:1-10
00000002/02/2025 06:30 PM:   Why Trouble the Master? (Part-6) - Mark 5:39-42
00000002/02/2025 10:30 AM:   Why Trouble the Master? (Part-5) - Mark 5:39-42
00000001/26/2025 06:30 PM:   The Holy Spirit At Work - Revelation 1:1-4
00000001/12/2025 06:30 PM:   The Blessing of Hard Places - Joshua 14:6-14
00000001/12/2025 10:30 AM:   Why Trouble the Master? (Part-3) - Mark 5:35-42
00000001/05/2025 10:30 AM:   Why Trouble the Master? (Part-2) - Mark 5:21-36
00000012/29/2024 10:30 AM:   Why Trouble the Master? - Mark 5:21-36
00000012/22/2024 10:30 AM:   The Four C's of Christmas - Luke 2:15-20
00000012/15/2024 06:30 PM:   The Secret Ingredient (Part-2) - Acts 1:4-8
00000012/15/2024 10:30 AM:   The Rich Man and Lazarus - Luke 16:19-31
00000012/08/2024 06:30 PM:   The Secret Ingredient (Part-1) - Acts 1:4-8
00000011/10/2024 06:30 PM:   The Touch of God (Part-2) - Jeremiah 1:5-10
00000011/03/2024 06:30 PM:   The Touch of God - Jeremiah 1:5-10
00000010/13/2024 06:30 PM:   David's Heart of Worship - Psalms 63:1-5
00000010/13/2024 10:30 AM:   The Invitation - Luke 14:7-10
00000010/06/2024 10:30 AM:   The Need for Revival - Psalms 80:14-19
00000009/29/2024 06:30 PM:   Why the Test? (Part-2) - 1 Peter 4:12-13
00000009/22/2024 10:30 AM:   The Product of Pentecost - Joel 2:28-32
00000009/08/2024 06:30 PM:   Why the Test? - 1 Peter 4:12-13
00000008/18/2024 10:30 AM:   The Sword of the Spirit - Ephesians 6:10-20
00000008/11/2024 10:30 AM:   How to Get Answers to Prayer - James 5:13-18
00000008/04/2024 06:30 PM:   The Path To Victory (Part-2) - Genesis 32:22-29
00000008/04/2024 10:30 AM:   Fill Your Horn With Oil and Go - 1 Samuel 16:1
00000007/28/2024 06:30 PM:   The Path To Victory - Genesis 32:22-29
00000007/28/2024 10:30 AM:   How To Find Contentment - 1 Timothy 6:3-10
00000007/14/2024 10:30 AM:   Walking With God (Part-4) - Hebrews 11:5-6
00000006/30/2024 10:30 AM:   Walking With God (Part-3) - Hebrews 11:5-6
00000006/23/2024 06:30 PM:   Refreshing in the Battle - 1 Samuel 14:24-30
00000006/23/2024 10:30 AM:   Walking With God (Part-2) - Genesis 5:18-24
00000006/16/2024 10:30 AM:   Walking With God (Part-1) - Genesis 5:18-24
00000006/09/2024 10:30 AM:   The Road to Recovery - 2 Chronicles 29:1-6
00000006/02/2024 06:30 PM:   Readiness for the Word - Acts 17:10-12
00000005/12/2024 10:30 AM:   What a Woman - Judges 4:1-9
00000005/05/2024 10:30 AM:   Divine Direction - Psalms 37:23
00000004/28/2024 06:30 PM:   Only Believe - Matthew 8:5-13
00000004/28/2024 10:30 AM:   The Voice of the Beast - Revelation 13:1-9
00000004/07/2024 10:30 AM:   Driving Out the Canaanites - Joshua 17:14-18
00000003/31/2024 10:30 AM:   The Kiss of Death - Matthew 26:47-56
00000003/24/2024 06:30 PM:   Lord, Help My Unbelief (Part-2) - Mark 9:17-27
00000003/24/2024 10:30 AM:   The Strength of My Heart - Psalms 73:26
00000003/17/2024 06:30 PM:   Lord, Help My Unbelief (Part-1) - Mark 9:17-27
00000003/17/2024 10:30 AM:   The Man of One Thing - Luke 10:38-42
00000003/10/2024 10:30 AM:   The Cloud of His Glory - Exodus 40:34-38
00000003/03/2024 10:30 AM:   Finding Strength in Weakness - James 4:1-3
00000002/25/2024 06:30 PM:   Divine Ability - Exodus 31:1-5
00000002/18/2024 10:30 AM:   Water Worth Pouring Out - 2 Samuel 23:13-16
00000002/04/2024 06:30 PM:   Asking and Receiving - 1 John 5:14-15
00000002/04/2024 10:30 AM:   Lord, I Need a Breakthrough - Mark 2:1-12
00000001/28/2024 10:30 AM:   The Great Conflict (Part-4) - Jonah 3:1-5
00000001/21/2024 06:30 PM:   The Great Conflict (Part-3) - Jonah 1:17
00000001/21/2024 10:30 AM:   God's Guidelines for Greatness - Judges 6:11-16
00000001/14/2024 10:30 AM:   The Great Conflict (Part-2) - Jonah 1:1-9
00000012/31/2023 10:30 AM:   The Desire for Truth - Acts 17:10-12
00000012/17/2023 10:30 AM:   The Great Conflict - Jonah 1:1-9
00000012/10/2023 06:30 PM:   Unstoppable Faith (Part-2) - Acts 8:1-8
00000012/10/2023 10:30 AM:   Whatever You Ask - John 14:12-14
00000012/03/2023 06:30 PM:   Unstoppable Faith (Part-1) - Acts 8:1-8
00000012/03/2023 10:30 AM:   Trusting God in Your Storm - Matthew 14:22-33
00000011/19/2023 10:30 AM:   Get a Second Opinion - Mark 5:21-24, 35-42
00000010/29/2023 10:30 AM:   The River of God - Ezekiel 47:1-9
00000009/17/2023 10:30 AM:   Six Waterpots of Stone - John 2:1-10
00000008/27/2023 06:30 PM:   For Eighteen Years - Luke 13:10-17
00000008/20/2023 06:30 PM:   Are You Willing? - Luke 5:12-16
00000008/20/2023 10:30 AM:   When Life Throws You into a Pit - Psalms 30:1-5
00000008/13/2023 06:30 PM:   What Happened to Prayer? (Part-3) - Isaiah 64:7
00000008/13/2023 10:30 AM:   Get Yourself Ready - 2 Kings 9:1-3
00000008/06/2023 06:30 PM:   When God Sends a Famine (Part-2) - Amos 8:11-12
00000008/06/2023 10:30 AM:   When God Sends a Famine (Part-1) - Amos 8:11-12
00000007/23/2023 10:30 AM:   The Internal Conflict - Romans 7:14-19
00000007/16/2023 10:30 AM:   Fresh Oil - Psalms 92:8-10
00000007/09/2023 10:30 AM:   The Danger of Social Drinking - Proverbs 20:1
00000006/25/2023 10:30 AM:   Throw Caution to the Wind - Ecclesiastes 11:3-4
00000006/04/2023 06:30 PM:   The Danger of Drifting - Hebrews 2:1-4
00000005/28/2023 06:30 PM:   The Miracle of the Valley - 2 Kings 3:14-18
00000005/07/2023 06:30 PM:   Unstoppable Faith - Matthew 8:16-17
00000004/16/2023 06:30 PM:   Sin in the Camp - Joshua 7:10-12
00000004/09/2023 10:30 AM:   Peter's Dark Day of Denial - Matthew 26:69-75
00000003/19/2023 10:30 AM:   The Pathway to the Throne Room - Ephesians 2:4-7
00000003/12/2023 06:30 PM:   True Worship - John 4:19-24
00000003/05/2023 06:30 PM:   The Crossroads of Decision - Ruth 1:12-14
00000002/12/2023 06:30 PM:   The Crossing of the Jordan - Joshua 3:1-17
00000002/12/2023 10:30 AM:   God's Delight - Psalms 18:16-19
00000002/05/2023 10:30 AM:   Battle Tactics (Part-2) - Nehemiah 4:1-6
00000001/29/2023 10:30 AM:   Battle Tactics (Part-1) - Nehemiah 4:1-6
00000001/15/2023 06:30 PM:   False Suppositions - Numbers 14:39-45
00000001/08/2023 06:30 PM:   Beware of Scoffers - 2 Peter 3:1-4
00000012/25/2022 10:30 AM:   The Aftermath - Acts 3:1-9
00000012/18/2022 10:30 AM:   Living the Life of Faith - James 2:14-19
00000012/11/2022 06:30 PM:   The Power of God's Creative Word - Genesis 1:1-2
00000012/11/2022 10:30 AM:   How to Live in Troubled Times - Habakkuk 1:1-4
00000011/13/2022 06:30 PM:   The Making of Moses (Part-2) - Exodus 2:11-15
00000011/06/2022 06:30 PM:   The Making of Moses - Exodus 2:11-15
00000010/30/2022 06:30 PM:   Faith to be Healed - Acts 14:8-10
00000010/30/2022 10:30 AM:   Getting Your Fight Back - 2 Timothy 4:6-8
00000010/23/2022 10:30 AM:   The Power of the Secret Closet - Matthew 6:5-7
00000010/09/2022 10:30 AM:   Behold, I Will Do a New Thing - Isaiah 43:19-21
00000010/02/2022 06:30 PM:   The Grace of God - 1 Corinthians 15:9-10
00000010/02/2022 10:30 AM:   The Joy of Forgiveness - Psalms 32:1-2
00000009/25/2022 06:30 PM:   A New Heart and a New Spirit - Ezekiel 36:25-29
00000009/18/2022 10:30 AM:   Understanding the Heart of God - 2 Peter 3:9
00000009/11/2022 10:30 AM:   You Have a Comforter (Part-2) - John 16:7
00000009/04/2022 10:30 AM:   You Have a Comforter (Part-1) - John 16:5-11
00000008/28/2022 10:30 AM:   The Affliction of the Righteous - Job 5:6-7
00000008/14/2022 06:30 PM:   A Man with a Stick - Judges 3:31
00000007/31/2022 06:30 PM:   A Man with a Withered Hand - Mark 3:1-6
00000007/17/2022 06:30 PM:   The Glory of God - Luke 9:27-36
00000007/03/2022 06:30 PM:   When You Went After Me - Jeremiah 2:1-2
00000006/26/2022 06:30 PM:   The Post Pentecostal Church - Acts 4:31-35
00000006/26/2022 10:30 AM:   Restoring To You the Wasted Years - Joel 2:25-27
00000006/19/2022 10:30 AM:   To Be Just Like Dad - Malachi 4:6
00000006/12/2022 06:30 PM:   In Pursuit of God - Philippians 3:12-16
00000006/05/2022 06:30 PM:   How to Have a Renewed Strength - Isaiah 40:28-31
00000006/05/2022 10:30 AM:   The Awful Presence of God - Psalms 68:7-8
00000005/29/2022 10:30 AM:   Carrying Out the Rubbish - 2 Chronicles 29:1-5
00000005/22/2022 06:30 PM:   The Power of His Presence - Mark 1:21-28
00000005/01/2022 06:30 PM:   An Appetite for God - Matthew 13:13-17
00000004/24/2022 06:30 PM:   My Attitude of Praise - Psalms 34:1-3
00000004/03/2022 10:30 AM:   When You Hear the Sound - 2 Samuel 5:23-25
00000003/27/2022 10:30 AM:   The Valley of Baca - Psalms 84:4-7
00000003/13/2022 06:30 PM:   Now As Jesus Passed By - John 9:1-9
00000003/06/2022 06:30 PM:   When You Search For Me - Jeremiah 29:10-14
00000002/20/2022 06:30 PM:   The Test of Discipleship (Part-4) - John 15:8
00000002/20/2022 10:30 AM:   The Test of Discipleship (Part-3) - Luke 14:33
00000001/16/2022 10:30 AM:   Confronting Pharaoh - Exodus 5:1-2
00000001/09/2022 06:30 PM:   I Still Believe in Miracles - Psalms 103:1-5
00000001/09/2022 10:30 AM:   Revelation of the Throne - Isaiah 6:1-7
00000001/02/2022 10:30 AM:   The Last Days Christian - Luke 17:26-32
00000012/26/2021 10:30 AM:   Keeping A God Perspective - Psalms 73:1-3, 12-17
00000012/05/2021 10:30 AM:   The Power of Prayer - Acts 16:25-31
00000011/21/2021 10:30 AM:   The Valley of Dry Bones - Ezekiel 37:1-7
00000011/14/2021 06:30 PM:   The Power of Pentecost (Part-2) - Acts 4:7-12
00000011/14/2021 10:30 AM:   The Power of Pentecost - Acts 4:7-12
00000009/29/2021 07:00 PM:   Where Two Ways Met - Mark 11:1-6
00000009/26/2021 10:30 AM:   Jonah - The Runaway Prophet - Jonah 1:1-3
00000009/05/2021 10:30 AM:   Faith Being Tried by Fire - Job 42:5
00000008/29/2021 10:30 AM:   For Such a Time as This - Esther 4:13-17
00000008/22/2021 06:30 PM:   A Lame Man Healed - Acts 3:1-10
00000008/22/2021 10:30 AM:   Hold On, Help Is On the Way - 2 Samuel 10:7-12
00000008/15/2021 10:30 AM:   A Voice Crying in the Wilderness - Luke 3:1-6
00000008/08/2021 10:30 AM:   Discerning the Voice of God - John 10:11-16
00000008/01/2021 10:30 AM:   How Long Will You Slack? - Joshua 18:1-3
00000007/28/2021 07:00 PM:   The True Source of My Joy - Philippians 4:1, 4
00000007/25/2021 10:30 AM:   Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole - Luke 17:11-19
00000007/11/2021 06:30 PM:   The Lord is My Light - Psalms 27
00000007/11/2021 10:30 AM:   Restoring the Temple of God - Matthew 21:12-14
00000007/04/2021 06:30 PM:   Those Who Thought Upon His Name - Malachi 3:16
00000007/04/2021 10:30 AM:   Restoring the Altar - Ezra 3:1-3
00000006/27/2021 10:30 AM:   Crumbs from the Table - Matthew 15:21-28
00000006/13/2021 06:30 PM:   In Pursuit for Christ - Mark 1:35-39
00000006/06/2021 06:30 PM:   God's Unbreakable Love - Romans 8:35-38
00000005/09/2021 10:30 AM:   A Mother Named Rizpah - 2 Samuel 21:10-14
00000004/11/2021 10:30 AM:   My Servant Job - Job 2:1-6
00000004/04/2021 10:30 AM:   The Road to Emmaus - Luke 24:13-21
00000002/07/2021 10:30 AM:   Experiencing the Glory of God - Luke 9:28-36
00000012/27/2020 10:30 AM:   The Journey of Christmas Continues - Luke 2:8-17
00000012/13/2020 06:30 PM:   The Healing Ministry of Christ - Mark 1:32-34
00000012/13/2020 10:30 AM:   Do Not Diminish a Word - Jeremiah 26:1-6
00000011/29/2020 10:30 AM:   Finding Comfort in Chaos - Psalms 46:1-7
00000011/22/2020 10:30 AM:   I Will Stand My Watch! - Habakkuk 2:1
00000011/08/2020 10:30 AM:   Finding Joy in Disappointment - Habakkuk 2:2-3
00000011/01/2020 06:30 PM:   The True Heart of a Servant - John 1:40-42
00000011/01/2020 10:30 AM:   God's Remnant People - Malachi 3:16
00000010/25/2020 06:30 PM:   Jesus and the Paralytic - Matthew 9:1-8
00000010/25/2020 10:30 AM:   Unto the Least of These - Matthew 25:31-40
00000010/18/2020 10:30 AM:   Launch Out Into the Deep - Luke 5:1-5
00000010/11/2020 06:30 PM:   A Psalm 42 Christian - Psalms 42:1-5
00000009/27/2020 06:30 PM:   Daring Faith (Part-3) - 1 Corinthians 2:9
00000009/27/2020 10:30 AM:   Daring Faith (Part-2) - 1 Corinthians 2:9
00000009/20/2020 10:30 AM:   Daring Faith (Part-1) - 1 Corinthians 2:9
00000009/13/2020 06:30 PM:   Silent Times (Part-2) - Psalms 89:38-44
00000009/13/2020 10:30 AM:   Silent Times (Part-1) - Psalms 89:38-44
00000009/06/2020 06:30 PM:   Little by Little - Deuteronomy 7:22
00000008/30/2020 06:30 PM:   The Mission and Purpose (Part-2) - Acts 26:16-18
00000008/30/2020 10:30 AM:   What More Could Have Been Done? - Isaiah 5:1-6
00000008/23/2020 06:30 PM:   The Mission and Purpose (Part-1) - Acts 26:16-18
00000008/23/2020 10:30 AM:   Satan Hindered Us - 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20
00000007/26/2020 06:30 PM:   It Doesn't Matter, But It Does - Acts 2:1-4
00000007/12/2020 10:30 AM:   Let Us Rise Up and Build - Nehemiah 2:17-18
00000007/05/2020 06:30 PM:   Renewing Your Strength - Isaiah 40:28-31
00000007/05/2020 10:30 AM:   From ME to WE - 2 Corinthians 1:1-7
00000006/21/2020 10:30 AM:   The Missing Ingredient - Philippians 2:20-21
00000006/07/2020 10:30 AM:   The Sustaining Power of God - Psalms 119:116
00000005/31/2020 10:30 AM:   Songs in the Night - Acts 16:19-26
00000005/24/2020 10:30 AM:   Ten Shekels and a Suit - Judges 17:6-13
00000005/17/2020 10:30 AM:   He Shall Eat At My Table - 2 Samuel 9:1-11
00000005/10/2020 10:30 AM:   Preparing the Last Meal - 1 Kings 17:8-16
00000005/03/2020 10:30 AM:   The Plague of Our Time - Luke 5:12-16
00000004/26/2020 10:30 AM:   Living in the Power of the Spirit - Acts 1:8
00000004/19/2020 10:30 AM:   Faith Tried By Fire - 1 Peter 1:6-9
00000004/12/2020 10:30 AM:   The Power of the Cross - Colossians 1:13-14
00000003/22/2020 10:30 AM:   Stability in an Unstable World - Isaiah 43:1-3
00000003/15/2020 06:30 PM:   Power and Not Fear - 2 Timothy 1:7
00000003/08/2020 10:30 AM:   Walking in the Will of God - Jeremiah 10:23-24
00000002/23/2020 06:30 PM:   Back to Gilgal - Joshua 5:9
00000002/16/2020 06:30 PM:   Don't Give Up and Don't Give In - Galatians 6:9
00000002/02/2020 06:30 PM:   Blessings That Come As We Wait - Psalms 130:1-6
00000002/02/2020 10:30 AM:   The Process of Perfecting - Ephesians 4:12-16
00000001/19/2020 10:30 AM:   Fruit Tells All - John 15:1-5
00000001/15/2020 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-40) [Second Coming]
00000001/12/2020 06:30 PM:   Jesus in the Storm - Matthew 14:22-27
00000001/12/2020 10:30 AM:   The Dove Found No Resting Place - Genesis 8:6-9
00000001/08/2020 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-39) [Second Coming]
00000012/18/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-38) [Second Coming]
00000012/15/2019 06:30 PM:   The Proper Approach to God - Psalms 34:1-22
00000012/01/2019 10:30 AM:   If You Can Believe - Mark 9:17-27
00000011/24/2019 10:30 AM:   Don't Avoid the Impossible - Matthew 14:13-21
00000011/17/2019 10:30 AM:   Does God's Glory Fill His House? - Ezekiel 48:35
00000011/13/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-34) [Biblical Tithing]
00000011/10/2019 10:30 AM:   The Wells of Water (Part-2) - Genesis 26:17-23
00000011/06/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-33) [Biblical Tithing]
00000011/03/2019 10:30 AM:   The Wells of Water (Part-1) - Genesis 26:17-23
00000010/30/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-32) [Tithing]
00000010/23/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-31) [Prayer]
00000010/16/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-30) [Prayer]
00000010/09/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-29) [Prayer]
00000010/02/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-28) [The Lord's Supper]
00000009/29/2019 06:30 PM:   A Word in Season - Isaiah 50:4-6
00000009/29/2019 10:30 AM:   How It All Began (Part-4) - Genesis 2:20-25
00000009/25/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-27) [The Lord's Supper]
00000009/22/2019 06:30 PM:   Victory through Worship - 2 Chronicles 20:1-22
00000009/22/2019 10:30 AM:   How It All Began (Part-3) - Genesis 2:7
00000009/18/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-26) [The Lord's Supper]
00000009/15/2019 10:30 AM:   The Power of Faith - Matthew 21:18-22
00000009/11/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-25) [Baptism]
00000009/08/2019 06:30 PM:   The Attitude of Worship - Hebrews 11:21
00000009/08/2019 10:30 AM:   How It All Began (Part-2) - Psalms 90:1-2
00000009/04/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-24) [Baptism]
00000009/01/2019 06:30 PM:   The Heart of True Worship - Psalms 63:1-5
00000009/01/2019 10:30 AM:   How It All Began (Part-1) - Romans 5:12-14
00000008/28/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-23) [Baptism]
00000008/25/2019 06:30 PM:   Becoming Weary in the Battle - 1 Samuel 14:24-27
00000008/18/2019 06:30 PM:   But Jesus Showed Up - Acts 10:38
00000008/11/2019 06:30 PM:   God's Divine Order - Ephesians 5:15-33
00000008/04/2019 10:30 AM:   Seasons of Betrayal - Psalms 105:16-19
00000007/31/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-22) [Repentance]
00000007/21/2019 10:30 AM:   When My Heart Faileth - Psalms 73:26
00000007/17/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-21) [Repentance]
00000007/14/2019 10:30 AM:   I Want To Know How To Pray - Luke 11:1-4
00000007/03/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-20) [Repentance]
00000006/30/2019 10:30 AM:   Heaven Is Real and So Is Hell - Luke 16:19-25
00000006/26/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-19) [Repentance]
00000006/16/2019 06:30 PM:   Jude's Urgent Warning - Jude 1-25
00000006/16/2019 10:30 AM:   Abraham Was a Dad Too - Genesis 12:7-9
00000006/12/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-18) [Faith and Repentance]
00000006/09/2019 06:30 PM:   To Glory in the Cross of Christ - Galatians 6:14
00000006/09/2019 10:30 AM:   The Danger of the Delay - Matthew 25:1-13
00000006/05/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-17) [Faith]
00000006/02/2019 10:30 AM:   The Path of the Mountain - Joshua 14:12
00000005/22/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-16) [Faith]
00000005/19/2019 06:30 PM:   As Jesus Passed By - John 9:1-7
00000005/19/2019 10:30 AM:   This Is What It's Going To Take - Luke 18:1-8
00000005/15/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-15) [Faith]
00000005/08/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-14) [Church and Faith]
00000005/05/2019 10:30 AM:   Don't Throw In the Towel Yet - 1 Kings 19:1-3
00000005/01/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-13) [The Church]
00000004/28/2019 06:30 PM:   He Came For a Purpose - Luke 1:67-69
00000004/24/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-12) [The Church]
00000004/21/2019 10:30 AM:   He Is Not Here For He Is Risen - Matthew 28:1-10
00000004/17/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-11) [The Church]
00000004/14/2019 10:30 AM:   Putting It To Practice (Part-2) - James 1:26-27
00000004/10/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-10) [The Church]
00000004/07/2019 10:30 AM:   Putting It To Practice - James 1:26-27
00000003/24/2019 10:30 AM:   The Unexpected Time - Ezekiel 1:1-3
00000003/17/2019 06:30 PM:   I Never Knew You! - Matthew 7:21-23
00000003/17/2019 10:30 AM:   Rejoicing in Chaotic Times - Habakkuk 3:18-19
00000003/10/2019 06:30 PM:   Darkness on the Face of the Deep - Genesis 1:1-5
00000003/10/2019 10:30 AM:   The Way to Greater Power - Psalms 34:18
00000003/03/2019 10:30 AM:   Broken Pitchers - Judges 7:19-20
00000002/24/2019 10:30 AM:   We Set a Watch Against Them - Nehemiah 4:9
00000002/17/2019 10:30 AM:   Is There Not a Cause? - 1 Samuel 17:26-30
00000002/10/2019 10:30 AM:   We Wish To See Jesus - John 12:21
00000002/06/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-3) [God the Father]
00000002/03/2019 06:30 PM:   What Do These Stones Mean? - Joshua 4:1-7
00000002/03/2019 10:30 AM:   He Looked For a City - Hebrews 11:6
00000001/27/2019 06:30 PM:   When You Pass Through the Waters - Isaiah 43:1-3
00000001/16/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-2) [The Bible]
00000001/13/2019 06:30 PM:   Set Me On Fire - Matthew 3:11
00000001/09/2019 07:00 PM:   Bible Basics (Part-1) [The Bible]
00000001/06/2019 10:30 AM:   There is Forgiveness - Psalms 130:1-8
00000012/30/2018 10:30 AM:   The Divine Purpose - Ephesians 3:20-21
00000012/23/2018 10:30 AM:   Wise Men Still Seek Him - Matthew 2:1-2
00000012/16/2018 06:30 PM:   For My Eyes Have Seen... (Part-2) - Luke 2:25-33
00000012/16/2018 10:30 AM:   For My Eyes Have Seen... - Luke 2:25-33
00000012/09/2018 06:30 PM:   Savage Wolves - Acts 20:28-31
00000012/09/2018 10:30 AM:   Clay in God's Hands - Jeremiah 18:1-6
00000012/02/2018 06:30 PM:   Come, Let Us Reason Together - Isaiah 1:1-18
00000012/02/2018 10:30 AM:   I Will Send a Famine - Amos 8:11-12
00000011/25/2018 10:30 AM:   Lift Up Your Eyes and Look - Matthew 9:35-38
00000011/18/2018 06:30 PM:   Having a Thankful Heart - Psalms 100:1-5
00000011/18/2018 10:30 AM:   Unthankful... - 2 Timothy 3:1-5
00000011/11/2018 06:30 PM:   All Men Seek For Thee - Mark 1:35-39
00000010/21/2018 10:30 AM:   He Healed Many Who Were Sick - Mark 1:32-34
00000010/14/2018 06:30 PM:   The Warning of Drifting - Hebrews 2:1-4
00000010/14/2018 10:30 AM:   Satan Has Asked For You (Part-2) - Luke 22:31-32
00000010/07/2018 10:30 AM:   Satan Has Asked For You - Luke 22:31-32
00000009/30/2018 06:30 PM:   The Mission and Purpose of Christ - John 9:1-12
00000009/23/2018 06:30 PM:   The Way of the Storm - Matthew 14:22-23
00000009/23/2018 10:30 AM:   Unrelenting Love - Hosea 3:1
00000009/09/2018 10:30 AM:   Let Us Not Grow Weary - Galatians 6:9
00000009/02/2018 10:30 AM:   True Biblical Worship (Part-2) - John 4:19-24
00000008/26/2018 10:30 AM:   True Biblical Worship - John 4:19-24
00000008/19/2018 10:30 AM:   I Will Not Let You Go! - Genesis 32:24-30
00000008/12/2018 10:30 AM:   It Takes a Little More - Exodus 19:10-17
00000008/05/2018 10:30 AM:   The Ark of God Was Taken - 1 Samuel 4:1-11
00000008/01/2018 07:00 PM:   Stepping Into Galatians - Galatians 1:1-10
00000007/22/2018 06:30 PM:   True Disciple (Part-6) - Luke 18:1
00000007/22/2018 10:30 AM:   My Grace... - 2 Corinthians 12:7-9
00000007/08/2018 06:30 PM:   True Disciple (Part-5) - John 15:8
00000007/08/2018 10:30 AM:   When It Seems Hopeless - 2 Kings 20:1-7
00000007/01/2018 06:30 PM:   True Disciple (Part-4) - Luke 14:26-27
00000006/24/2018 10:30 AM:   He Took Him by the Right Hand - Acts 3:1-10
00000006/17/2018 06:30 PM:   True Disciple (Part-3) - Luke 14:33
00000006/17/2018 10:30 AM:   The Lord Spoke to Joshua - Joshua 1:1-5
00000006/10/2018 06:30 PM:   True Disciple (Part-2) - Luke 14:33
00000006/10/2018 10:30 AM:   Victory Over The Philistines - 1 Samuel 14:1-7
00000006/06/2018 07:00 PM:   Looking Into Hebrews (Part-6) - Hebrews 1:1-4
00000006/03/2018 06:30 PM:   True Disciple (Part-1) - Luke 14:33
00000006/03/2018 10:30 AM:   The Unforgiving Servant - Matthew 18:21-22
00000005/30/2018 07:00 PM:   Looking Into Hebrews (Part-5) - Hebrews 1:1-4
00000005/27/2018 10:30 AM:   When God Can't Help Himself - Luke 14:1-6
00000005/23/2018 07:00 PM:   Looking Into Hebrews (Part-4) - Hebrews 1:1-4
00000005/16/2018 07:00 PM:   Looking Into Hebrews (Part-3) - Hebrews 1:1-4
00000005/13/2018 06:30 PM:   We Need Nothing but the Fire - Acts 6:3, 8
00000005/13/2018 10:30 AM:   Jochebed - Exodus 2:1-9
00000005/09/2018 07:00 PM:   Looking Into Hebrews (Part-2) - Hebrews 1:1-4
00000005/02/2018 07:00 PM:   Looking Into Hebrews (Part-1) - Hebrews 1:1-4
00000004/25/2018 07:00 PM:   Justified By Faith (Part-2) - Romans 5:1-5
00000004/22/2018 10:30 AM:   The Wedding at Cana - John 2:1-10
00000004/18/2018 07:00 PM:   Justified By Faith (Part-1) - Romans 5:1-5
00000004/08/2018 10:30 AM:   Call Me Mara - Ruth 1:18-22
00000004/04/2018 07:00 PM:   Seeing and Hearing (Part-2) - Matthew 13:13-17
00000004/01/2018 10:30 AM:   Three Crosses - Luke 23:32-43
00000003/25/2018 10:30 AM:   Wasted Years - Joel 2:21-26
00000003/18/2018 10:30 AM:   The Great Enemy - Satan - Job 1:6-11
00000003/14/2018 07:00 PM:   Seeing and Hearing - Matthew 13:13-17
00000003/11/2018 10:30 AM:   Stirring Himself to Pray - Isaiah 64:1-8
00000003/04/2018 10:30 AM:   Sanctify Yourselves - Joshua 3:1-5
00000002/28/2018 07:00 PM:   What is Pure Religion? (Part-4) - James 1:26-27
00000002/25/2018 10:30 AM:   Through the Dark Night - Psalms 77:1-13
00000002/18/2018 10:30 AM:   Stretch Forth Thine Hand - Mark 3:1-6
00000002/14/2018 07:00 PM:   What is Pure Religion? (Part-3) - James 1:26-27
00000002/11/2018 10:30 AM:   Unexpected Storms - Mark 4:35-41
00000002/04/2018 10:30 AM:   The Blessed Life (Part-3) - Psalms 1:1-6
00000001/31/2018 07:00 PM:   What is Pure Religion? (Part-2) - James 1:26-27
00000001/28/2018 06:30 PM:   The Blessed Life (Part-2) - Psalms 1:1-6
00000001/28/2018 10:30 AM:   The Blessed Life (Part-1) - Psalms 1:1-6
00000001/21/2018 10:30 AM:   The Day Everything Went Wrong - 1 Samuel 30:1-4
00000001/14/2018 10:30 AM:   Gray Hair, but They Don't Know It - Hosea 7:8-10
00000001/10/2018 07:00 PM:   What is Pure Religion? (Part-1) - James 1:26-27
00000012/24/2017 10:30 AM:   The Christ of Christmas! - John 1:1-5
00000012/17/2017 10:30 AM:   When Eyes Cannot See - Genesis 17:16-19
00000012/10/2017 10:30 AM:   The Glory of the Lord - 2 Chronicles 7:1-3
00000012/03/2017 06:30 PM:   Loved By God - Daniel 9:3-5, 23
00000012/03/2017 10:30 AM:   We Have Toiled All Night - Luke 5:1-8
00000011/26/2017 06:30 PM:   A Heart of Flesh - Ezekiel 36:26
00000011/26/2017 10:30 AM:   When All Looks Hopeless - Lamentations 3:21-26
00000011/05/2017 10:30 AM:   Living the Life of Faith - Daniel 3:14-18
00000010/29/2017 06:30 PM:   Behold, I Come! (Part-2) - Psalms 40:1-4
00000010/29/2017 10:30 AM:   Behold, I Come! (Part-1) - Psalms 40:1-4
00000010/22/2017 06:30 PM:   Because of Unbelief - Hebrews 3:16-19
00000010/22/2017 10:30 AM:   It's Time to Grow Up - 1 Corinthians 2:6-10
00000010/08/2017 06:30 PM:   Quicken Me O Lord - Psalms 143:10-11
00000009/24/2017 06:30 PM:   Be the Church! (Part-1) - Acts 2:40-47
00000009/10/2017 10:30 AM:   A Bad Day and a Rotten Attitude - Psalms 73:1-16
00000009/06/2017 07:00 PM:   The Faithfulness of God (Part-6) - Psalms 68:5-6
00000009/03/2017 06:30 PM:   Pressing Toward the Mark - Philippians 3:12-16
00000009/03/2017 10:30 AM:   Make Me a Small Cake - 1 Kings 17:8-14
00000008/30/2017 07:00 PM:   The Faithfulness of God (Part-5) - Psalms 68:5-6
00000008/23/2017 07:00 PM:   The Faithfulness of God (Part-4) - Psalms 68:5-6
00000008/20/2017 10:30 AM:   Destroyed by Pride (Part-2) - 1 Samuel 15:10-15
00000008/13/2017 06:30 PM:   Serving Tables - Acts 6:3-6
00000008/13/2017 10:30 AM:   Destroyed by Pride - 1 Samuel 13:5-14
00000008/09/2017 07:00 PM:   The Faithfulness of God (Part-3) - Psalms 68:5-6
00000008/06/2017 06:30 PM:   The Day God Sent a Famine (Part-2) - Amos 8:11
00000008/06/2017 10:30 AM:   The Day God Sent a Famine (Part-1) - Amos 8:11
00000008/02/2017 07:00 PM:   The Faithfulness of God (Part-2) - Luke 6:20
00000007/30/2017 06:30 PM:   Encountering Rejection - John 15:18-19
00000007/30/2017 10:30 AM:   The Prevalent Spirit of Our Time - Genesis 4:1-8
00000007/26/2017 07:00 PM:   The Faithfulness of God (Part-1) - Luke 6:20
00000007/09/2017 06:30 PM:   But this Spake He of the Spirit - John 7:37-39
00000006/25/2017 10:30 AM:   The Secret War Within - Psalms 25:16-21
00000006/18/2017 10:30 AM:   The High Calling - Deuteronomy 6:4-9
00000006/11/2017 06:30 PM:   The Pursuit of Righteousness - Proverbs 11:18-19
00000006/04/2017 10:30 AM:   Hindered By the Devil! - 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20
00000005/28/2017 06:30 PM:   Prodigal Love - Mark 14:3-9
00000005/28/2017 10:30 AM:   Going the Extra Mile - Matthew 5:38-42
00000005/21/2017 10:30 AM:   Demas and His Fatal Mistake - 2 Timothy 4:9-10
00000005/03/2017 07:00 PM:   Paths to Victory (Part-3) - 2 Chronicles 20:1-28
00000004/30/2017 06:30 PM:   The Life Flow - Romans 12:1-2
00000004/26/2017 07:00 PM:   Paths to Victory (Part-2) - 2 Chronicles 20:1-28
00000004/23/2017 10:30 AM:   The Restoring of God's Temple - Matthew 21:9-14
00000004/19/2017 07:00 PM:   Paths to Victory (Part-1) - 2 Chronicles 20:1-28
00000004/16/2017 10:00 AM:   The Message of the Cross - 1 Corinthians 1:18
00000004/09/2017 06:30 PM:   The Miracle of Cana - John 2:1-11
00000004/09/2017 10:30 AM:   The Furnace of Affliction - Zechariah 13:9
00000004/02/2017 06:30 PM:   Pressing Toward the Mark - Philippians 3:12-16
00000003/19/2017 06:30 PM:   Maintaining Your Joy - Philippians 4:4
00000003/12/2017 06:30 PM:   Nothing, but a Pot of Oil - 2 Kings 4:1-2
00000003/12/2017 10:30 AM:   For Thy Heart Is Not Right - Acts 8:18-24
00000003/05/2017 06:30 PM:   The War Against the Soul - 1 Peter 2:11-12
00000003/05/2017 10:30 AM:   The Gospel of Accommodation - 2 Timothy 4:3-4
00000002/26/2017 10:30 AM:   No Other Name Under Heaven - Acts 4:12
00000002/12/2017 06:30 PM:   Getting Out of the Pit - Psalms 40:1-5
00000002/12/2017 10:30 AM:   But This Is That - Joel 2:28-29; Acts 2:14-16
00000002/05/2017 06:30 PM:   Waiting on God [Sarah Syndrome] - Genesis 16:1-4
00000002/05/2017 10:30 AM:   Looking for that Blessed Hope - Titus 2:12-13
00000001/29/2017 06:30 PM:   Why God Used a Scrubby Bush - Exodus 3:1-4
00000001/29/2017 10:30 AM:   Healing All Who Were Oppressed - Acts 10:38
00000001/22/2017 06:30 PM:   No Place for the Devil - Ephesians 4:25-27
00000001/15/2017 06:30 PM:   The Preparation of Prayer - Acts 2:1
00000001/15/2017 10:30 AM:   Divine Roadblocks - Acts 16:6-10
00000001/08/2017 10:30 AM:   Getting Rid of the Rubbish - 2 Chronicles 29:1-5
00000001/01/2017 06:30 PM:   Acknowledging Our Failures - Luke 5:1-8
00000001/01/2017 10:30 AM:   The God of Second Chances - Jonah 3:1
00000012/25/2016 10:00 AM:   Christmas Day! - Luke 2:15-20
00000012/18/2016 10:30 AM:   Lessons From Wise Men (Part-3) - Matthew 2:1-12
00000012/14/2016 07:00 PM:   Seeing It Through God's Eyes - Romans 8:31-39
00000012/11/2016 10:30 AM:   Lessons From Wise Men (Part-2) - Matthew 2:1-12
00000012/04/2016 10:30 AM:   Lessons From Wise Men (Part-1) - Matthew 2:1-12
00000011/27/2016 06:30 PM:   One Step at a Time - Deuteronomy 7:22
00000011/27/2016 10:30 AM:   I Will Not Leave You - 2 Kings 2:1-2
00000011/20/2016 10:30 AM:   Were There Not Ten Cleansed? - Luke 17:11-19
00000011/13/2016 06:30 PM:   The Attitude of Worship - Hebrews 11:21
00000011/13/2016 10:30 AM:   Stopping Just Short - 2 Kings 10:26-29
00000010/30/2016 06:30 PM:   I'll Take The Mountain - Joshua 14:12
00000010/30/2016 10:30 AM:   The Last Days Christian - Luke 17:26-32
00000010/23/2016 06:30 PM:   It's Not In Me - Genesis 40:14-15
00000010/16/2016 06:30 PM:   The Sustaining Power of God - Luke 4:1
00000010/16/2016 10:30 AM:   The Power of God's Presence - Exodus 33:14-15
00000010/09/2016 06:30 PM:   Get On Board - Acts 26:16-18
00000010/09/2016 10:30 AM:   The Wilderness Journey - Exodus 13:17-18
00000010/02/2016 10:30 AM:   The Jonathan Company - 1 Samuel 14:6-7
00000009/25/2016 10:30 AM:   In the Day of My Trouble - Psalms 77:1-3
00000009/18/2016 06:30 PM:   What To Do In Troubling Times - Psalms 61:1-8
00000009/11/2016 06:30 PM:   A Call to Action - Jude 2-4
00000008/28/2016 10:30 AM:   Take Off Your Socks - John 13:3-5
00000008/21/2016 06:00 PM:   Called By God - 1 Corinthians 1:1
00000008/14/2016 06:30 PM:   And Dipped It In a Honeycomb - 1 Samuel 14:24-27
00000008/14/2016 10:30 AM:   Lo, We Have Left All - Luke 18:28-30
00000008/07/2016 06:30 PM:   Divided Tongues as of Fire - Acts 2:1-4
00000008/07/2016 10:30 AM:   The Lamp of God - 1 Samuel 3:1-4
00000007/31/2016 06:30 PM:   In the Beginning God Said... - Genesis 1:1-5
00000007/28/2016 07:00 PM:   Dealing With Our Walk - Ephesians 5:15
00000007/24/2016 06:30 PM:   The Harvest is Plentiful - Matthew 9:35-38
00000007/24/2016 10:30 AM:   In Those Days There Was No King - Judges 21:25
00000007/17/2016 06:30 PM:   Strongholds - Judges 2:1-5
00000007/10/2016 06:30 PM:   Following Christ - Mark 1:16-20
00000007/10/2016 10:30 AM:   Learning the Hard Way - Judges 16:20-21
00000007/06/2016 07:00 PM:   The Urgent Warning - Matthew 24:36-44
00000007/03/2016 10:30 AM:   New Age-Old Lies - Genesis 3:1-5
00000006/26/2016 10:30 AM:   Have Faith in God - Mark 11:22-24
00000006/12/2016 10:30 AM:   The Quality of Pentecost (Part-5) - Acts 3:11-12
00000006/05/2016 10:30 AM:   The Quality of Pentecost (Part-4) - Acts 3:3-8
00000005/29/2016 10:30 AM:   The Quality of Pentecost (Part-3) - Acts 3:1-10
00000005/22/2016 10:30 AM:   The Quality of Pentecost (Part-2) - Acts 3:1-10
00000005/15/2016 06:30 PM:   The Good Fight - 2 Timothy 4:6-7
00000005/15/2016 10:30 AM:   The Quality of Pentecost (Part-1) - Acts 3:1-10
00000004/24/2016 06:30 PM:   Be of One Mind - 1 Peter 3:8-9
00000004/24/2016 10:30 AM:   Too Religious For Jesus - Luke 15:1-7
00000004/17/2016 10:30 AM:   Not in the Abundance of Things - Luke 12:13-15
00000004/03/2016 06:30 PM:   Full of the Holy Ghost and Wisdom - Acts 6:3
00000003/27/2016 10:30 AM:   Loose Him, and Let Him Go - John 11:38-44
00000003/13/2016 06:30 PM:   Blessed Are Your Eyes - Matthew 13:13-17
00000002/21/2016 06:30 PM:   Clean Hands and a Pure Heart - Psalms 24:3-4
00000002/07/2016 06:30 PM:   Seeking Jesus - Mark 1:35-36
00000002/07/2016 10:30 AM:   Spiritual Preparation - Exodus 19:10-11
00000001/31/2016 06:30 PM:   Took Our Infirmities - Matthew 18:14-17
00000001/31/2016 10:30 AM:   Preparing a Man - Exodus 2:11-15
00000001/24/2016 06:30 PM:   Learning How to Wait - Psalms 40:1-3
00000001/24/2016 10:30 AM:   The Little Foxes (Part-5) - Song of Solomon 2:15
00000001/17/2016 06:30 PM:   This Poor Man Cried - Psalms 34:1-6
00000001/17/2016 10:30 AM:   The Little Foxes (Part-4) - Song of Solomon 2:15
00000001/10/2016 10:30 AM:   The Little Foxes (Part-3) - Song of Solomon 2:15
00000001/03/2016 06:30 PM:   When the Spirit Fell - Acts 10:44-46
00000001/03/2016 10:30 AM:   The Little Foxes (Part-2) - Song of Solomon 2:15
00000012/27/2015 06:30 PM:   The Quest for God - Psalms 27:8
00000012/27/2015 10:30 AM:   The Little Foxes - Song of Solomon 1:6, 2:15
00000012/20/2015 10:30 AM:   The Well of Bethlehem - 2 Samuel 23:14-15
00000012/13/2015 06:30 PM:   For the Kingdom of God - 1 Corinthians 4:20
00000012/13/2015 10:30 AM:   Doing the Impossible - Matthew 14:13-21
00000012/06/2015 06:30 PM:   He Brought Him to Jesus - John 1:35-42
00000012/06/2015 10:30 AM:   Awakened Out of Sleep - Romans 13:11
00000011/29/2015 06:30 PM:   Saved From Wrath - Romans 5:6-11
00000011/29/2015 10:30 AM:   Rut, Rot or Revival (Part-2) - John 5:5-9
00000011/15/2015 06:30 PM:   Rut, Rot or Revival (Part-1) - John 5:5-9
00000011/15/2015 10:30 AM:   God's Way, God's Timing - 1 Samuel 26:5-9
00000011/08/2015 06:30 PM:   Breaking Down the Walls - Hebrews 11:30
00000011/02/2015 06:30 PM:   Deliverance - Mark 5:1-8
00000010/25/2015 10:30 AM:   The Last Hour - 1 John 2:18-23
00000010/18/2015 06:30 PM:   Alone With God (Part-2) - Genesis 32:24-30
00000010/18/2015 10:30 AM:   Alone With God - Genesis 32:24-30
00000010/11/2015 10:30 AM:   For Thou Art Greatly Beloved - Daniel 9:23
00000010/04/2015 06:30 PM:   I Remember You - Jeremiah 2:2
00000010/04/2015 10:30 AM:   Coming Down from the Mountain - Mark 9:2, 9
00000009/27/2015 06:30 PM:   Nothing Can Separate Us - Romans 8:35-39
00000009/27/2015 10:30 AM:   The Potter and the Clay - Jeremiah 18:1-4
00000009/20/2015 06:30 PM:   Wind in Your Face - Matthew 14:22-33
00000009/20/2015 10:30 AM:   When God Doesn't Make Sense - 2 Samuel 6:3-7
00000009/16/2015 07:00 PM:   The Trial of Our Faith (Part-5) - James 1:12-15
00000009/13/2015 06:30 PM:   Actions Speak Louder than Words - Titus 3:1-8
00000009/06/2015 06:00 PM:   What Manner of Love - 1 John 3:1-3
00000009/02/2015 07:00 PM:   The Trial of Our Faith (Part-4) - James 1:2-4
00000008/30/2015 06:30 PM:   When God is Silent - Psalms 28:1-7
00000008/30/2015 10:30 AM:   The Journey of King Asa - 2 Chronicles 15:1-2
00000008/26/2015 07:00 PM:   The Trial of Our Faith (Part-3) - 1 Peter 1:6-7
00000008/23/2015 06:30 PM:   Where is Your Delight? - Psalms 1:1-6
00000008/23/2015 10:30 AM:   To One of the Least of These - Matthew 25:31-40
00000008/19/2015 07:00 PM:   The Trial of Our Faith (Part-2) - James 1:1-4
00000008/16/2015 10:30 AM:   Missed Opportunities - Matthew 8:21-22
00000008/09/2015 06:30 PM:   The Day of Pentecost - Romans 8:1-5; Acts 2:1-4
00000008/09/2015 10:30 AM:   When He Has Tested Me - Job 23:10
00000008/05/2015 07:00 PM:   The Trial of Our Faith (Part-1) - James 1:1-4
00000008/02/2015 06:30 PM:   Call To Me - Jeremiah 33:1-3
00000007/12/2015 06:30 PM:   Perceiving that He Had Faith - Acts 14:7-10
00000007/12/2015 10:30 AM:   David's Failure and Remedy - 2 Chronicles 21:1-4
00000006/28/2015 10:30 AM:   Until Noah Entered the Ark - Matthew 24:36-39
00000006/21/2015 06:30 PM:   The Condition of the Heart - Luke 8:11-15
00000006/21/2015 10:30 AM:   These Stones - Joshua 4:4-7
00000005/31/2015 06:30 PM:   A Valley of Dry Bones - Ezekiel 37:1-7
00000005/31/2015 10:30 AM:   Love Covers All Sins - Proverbs 10:12
00000005/24/2015 10:30 AM:   False Suppositions - Numbers 14:39-45
00000005/17/2015 06:30 PM:   Stirred to Pray - Isaiah 64:7
00000005/10/2015 06:30 PM:   They Came to Elim - Exodus 15:22-27
00000005/10/2015 10:30 AM:   The Sifting of Peter (Part-2) - Luke 22:31-32
00000005/03/2015 10:30 AM:   The Sifting of Peter (Part-1) - Luke 22:31-32
00000004/26/2015 06:30 PM:   Almost Persuaded - Acts 26:24-29
00000004/26/2015 10:30 AM:   When Your World Falls Apart - Habakkuk 2:4
00000004/19/2015 10:30 AM:   More Than You Can Bear? - 1 Corinthians 10:11-13
00000004/05/2015 10:30 AM:   Moses and the Fiery Serpent - Numbers 21:4-9
00000003/29/2015 10:30 AM:   He Went a Little Further - Mark 14:32-37
00000003/15/2015 06:30 PM:   Then We Set a Watch (Part-1) - Nehemiah 4:7-9
00000003/15/2015 10:30 AM:   Holding On (Part-4) - Psalms 40:11-17
00000003/08/2015 06:30 PM:   Holding On (Part-3) - Psalms 40:1-17
00000003/08/2015 10:30 AM:   Holding On (Part-2) - Psalms 40:1-17
00000003/04/2015 07:00 PM:   Christian Maturity (Part-4) - Hebrews 5:11-6:3
00000003/01/2015 10:30 AM:   Holding On (Part-1) - Psalms 40:1-5
00000002/25/2015 07:00 PM:   Christian Maturity (Part-3) - Hebrews 5:11-6:3
00000002/22/2015 06:30 PM:   You Shall Receive Power - Acts 1:8
00000002/22/2015 10:30 AM:   A Certain Man Who Had Dropsy - Luke 14:1-6
00000002/15/2015 10:30 AM:   Whom Satan Has Bound - Luke 13:10-17
00000002/11/2015 07:00 PM:   Christian Maturity (Part-2) - Hebrews 5:11-6:3
00000002/08/2015 10:30 AM:   The Battle from Within - 2 Kings 20:1-11
00000002/01/2015 10:30 AM:   The Whisper of God's Voice - 1 Kings 19:11-13
00000001/28/2015 07:00 PM:   Christian Maturity (Part-1) - Hebrews 5:11-6:3
00000001/25/2015 10:30 AM:   Wavering Faith - James 1:5-8
00000001/18/2015 06:30 PM:   Dead Faith - James 2:14-23
00000001/18/2015 10:30 AM:   There is a Man in Your Kingdom - Daniel 5:11
00000001/11/2015 06:30 PM:   A Burning Heart (Part-2) - Luke 24:24-32
00000001/11/2015 10:30 AM:   A Burning Heart (Part-1) - Luke 24:24-32
00000001/04/2015 10:30 AM:   The Strength of Praise - 2 Chronicles 20:20-22
00000012/28/2014 06:30 PM:   The Surrendered Life - Philippians 1:21-24
00000012/07/2014 06:30 PM:   13-Years of Silence - Genesis 17:17-19
00000012/07/2014 10:30 AM:   A Heart that Loves God - Hosea 6:6
00000011/30/2014 06:30 PM:   A Perfect Heart (Part-2) - Genesis 17:1
00000011/30/2014 10:30 AM:   A Perfect Heart (Part-1) - Genesis 17:1
00000011/23/2014 10:30 AM:   Revive Me Once Again (Part-2) - Psalms 143:11
00000011/19/2014 07:00 PM:   Being Consistent In Prayer Life - Luke 11:9-13
00000011/16/2014 06:30 PM:   Revive Me Once Again (Part-1) - Psalms 143:11
00000011/16/2014 10:30 AM:   Restoring the Wasted Years - Joel 2:25
00000011/09/2014 06:30 PM:   Six Waterpots of Stone - John 2:1-11
00000011/09/2014 10:30 AM:   He Groaned in the Spirit - John 11:32-35
00000010/19/2014 06:30 PM:   The Unprofitable Servant - Matthew 25:14-30
00000010/12/2014 06:30 PM:   Experiencing Dark Times - 1 Peter 1:6
00000009/28/2014 06:30 PM:   Not So, Lord - Acts 10:9-16
00000009/14/2014 06:30 PM:   How to Move the Heart of God - Joel 2:12-17
00000009/07/2014 06:30 PM:   I Am Pursuaded! - 2 Timothy 1:12
00000008/31/2014 10:30 AM:   Those Who Sought To Touch Him - Luke 6:17-19
00000008/17/2014 06:30 PM:   We Have a Building of God - 2 Corinthians 5:1-4
00000008/17/2014 10:30 AM:   The Secret War - Psalms 25:16-21
00000008/10/2014 10:30 AM:   When I Had No More Strength - Psalms 73:26
00000008/03/2014 10:30 AM:   For the Time is at Hand - Revelation 1:1-3
00000007/27/2014 10:30 AM:   They That Feared the Lord - Malachi 3:16
00000007/20/2014 06:00 PM:   Because of Your Unbelief - Matthew 17:14-20
00000007/20/2014 10:30 AM:   Get Out of Your Rut - John 5:1-9
00000007/13/2014 06:30 PM:   Prescription for the Tongue - James 5:13-20
00000007/13/2014 10:30 AM:   O Lord, Who Shall Stand? - Psalms 130:1-8
00000007/06/2014 10:30 AM:   Come and Let Us Go Over - 1 Samuel 14:1-7
00000006/22/2014 06:30 PM:   To Seek and to Save - Luke 19:10
00000006/22/2014 10:30 AM:   How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me? - Psalms 13:1-4
00000006/15/2014 10:30 AM:   Increase Our Faith - Luke 17:5
00000006/08/2014 06:30 PM:   Gifts of Healing - 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
00000006/08/2014 10:30 AM:   Lord, Teach Us To Pray - Luke 11:1
00000006/01/2014 10:30 AM:   Cain Rose Up Against His Brother - Genesis 4:1-8
00000005/18/2014 06:30 PM:   Being Missions Minded - Philippians 2:5
00000005/18/2014 10:30 AM:   In Hell He Lift Up His Eyes - Luke 16:19-31
00000005/11/2014 06:30 PM:   The Burning Bush - Exodus 3:4; 33:11
00000005/11/2014 10:30 AM:   If I Perish, I Perish - Esther 4:13-16
00000005/04/2014 06:30 PM:   The Working of Miracles - 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
00000005/04/2014 10:30 AM:   Experiencing God - Luke 9:28-36
00000004/27/2014 10:30 AM:   Nor Did the Jar of Oil Run Dry - 1 Kings 17:8-16
00000004/20/2014 08:00 AM:   The Stone Was Rolled Away - Mark 16:1-4
00000004/13/2014 06:30 PM:   My Light and My Salvation - Psalms 27:1-14
00000004/13/2014 10:30 AM:   Please, Show Me Your Glory - Exodus 33:18
00000004/06/2014 10:30 AM:   The Pursuit of God (Part-1) - Psalms 105:1-4
00000003/30/2014 06:30 PM:   Apprehending That - Philippians 3:12-15
00000003/30/2014 10:30 AM:   Growing Pains - John 15:1-5
00000003/23/2014 06:30 PM:   Hindrances! - 1 Thessalonians 2:17-18
00000003/16/2014 06:30 PM:   Raising Our Expectations - Jeremiah 33:3
00000003/16/2014 10:30 AM:   A Biblical View of Trouble (Part-2) - Job 5:6-7
00000003/09/2014 06:30 PM:   Only By Grace - Romans 6:5-14
00000003/09/2014 10:30 AM:   A Biblical View of Trouble (Part-1) - Job 5:6-7
00000003/02/2014 10:30 AM:   A Pattern for Living (Part-1) - Exodus 28:1-6
00000002/09/2014 06:30 PM:   A Troubled Heart - Psalms 61:1-4
00000002/02/2014 06:30 PM:   Walking Thru the Valley of Baca - Psalms 84:4-7
00000001/05/2014 06:30 PM:   Crippled from His Mother's Womb - Acts 14:8-10
00000012/29/2013 06:00 PM:   He Hath Visited His People - Luke 1:68-69
00000012/22/2013 10:30 AM:   A Light To Lighten - Luke 2:28-32
00000012/08/2013 06:00 PM:   A Sower Went Out To Sow (Part-3) - Mark 4:1-9
00000012/08/2013 10:30 AM:   A Sower Went Out To Sow (Part-2) - Mark 4:1-9
00000012/01/2013 06:00 PM:   Factors That Cause Impatience - Genesis 16:1-4
00000012/01/2013 10:30 AM:   A Sower Went Out To Sow (Part-1) - Mark 4:1-9
00000011/17/2013 06:00 PM:   Going the Distance - Hebrews 12:1-2
00000011/10/2013 06:00 PM:   Taking the Shorter Route - 1 Samuel 26:8
00000011/03/2013 06:00 PM:   Before the Lamp of God Went Out - 1 Samuel 3:1-4
00000011/03/2013 10:30 AM:   A Certain Man Called Cornelius - Acts 10:1-8
00000010/27/2013 06:00 PM:   In the Day of My Trouble - Psalms 77:1-20
00000009/29/2013 06:00 PM:   So God Led the People - Exodus 13:17-18
00000009/29/2013 10:30 AM:   The Children of Israel Cried - Judges 6:1-10
00000009/22/2013 06:00 PM:   We Need Heaven To Open Up - Ezekiel 1:1-3
00000009/22/2013 10:30 AM:   Thou Shouldest Surely Recover - 2 Kings 8:7-15
00000009/15/2013 06:00 PM:   Looking for that Blessed Hope - Titus 2:11-15
00000009/15/2013 10:30 AM:   The Man Who Betrayed Jesus - Matthew 27:3-5
00000009/08/2013 06:00 PM:   Because of Unbelief - Romans 11:20-22
00000009/08/2013 10:30 AM:   Help Mine Unbelief - Mark 9:17-27
00000009/01/2013 10:30 AM:   Come and Rest Awhile - Mark 6:30-31
00000008/25/2013 06:00 PM:   In The Beginning God... - Genesis 1:1-5
00000008/25/2013 10:30 AM:   And Said, "It is Enough" - 1 Kings 19:1-9
00000008/18/2013 10:30 AM:   They That Worship (Part-3) - John 4:19-24
00000008/11/2013 10:30 AM:   They That Worship (Part-2) - John 4:19-24
00000008/04/2013 06:00 PM:   And Found Them Asleep Again - Matthew 26:36-44
00000008/04/2013 10:30 AM:   They That Worship - John 4:19-24
00000007/14/2013 06:00 PM:   What is Revival? (Part-2) - Psalms 143:10-11
00000007/14/2013 10:30 AM:   Who Shall Separate Us? - Romans 8:31-39
00000007/07/2013 06:00 PM:   What is Revival? - Psalms 143:10-11
00000007/07/2013 10:30 AM:   True Christianity (Part-2) - Mark 8:34-38
00000006/30/2013 06:00 PM:   My God Shall Supply - Philippians 4:19
00000006/30/2013 10:30 AM:   True Christianity - Mark 8:34-38
00000006/23/2013 05:00 PM:   Then You Will Have Great Success - Joshua 1:5-8
00000006/23/2013 10:30 AM:   A Spiritual Famine - Amos 8:11-12
00000006/16/2013 10:30 AM:   Noah Walked With God - Genesis 6:5-9
00000006/09/2013 10:30 AM:   And Healed All That Were Sick - Matthew 8:14-17
00000006/02/2013 06:00 PM:   Fighting the Good Fight - 2 Timothy 4:6-7
00000006/02/2013 10:30 AM:   And He Touched Her - Matthew 8:14-17
00000005/26/2013 10:30 AM:   Lessons from the Storm - Matthew 14:22-33
00000005/19/2013 06:00 PM:   And Jesus Went To Jerusalem - John 5:1-9
00000005/19/2013 10:30 AM:   Let's Not Forget (Part-6) - Titus 2:6-8
00000004/28/2013 10:30 AM:   Let's Not Forget (Part-5) - Titus 2:4-5
00000004/21/2013 06:00 PM:   The Throne and the Altar - Isaiah 6:1-7
00000004/21/2013 10:30 AM:   Let's Not Forget (Part-4) - Titus 2:1-15
00000004/17/2013 07:00 PM:   Followers of Christ - Philippians 3:17-21
00000004/07/2013 10:30 AM:   Let's Not Forget (Part-3) - Titus 2:1-15
00000003/31/2013 10:30 AM:   The Risen Savior - 1 Corinthians 15:1-9
00000003/24/2013 10:30 AM:   Let's Not Forget (Part-2) - Titus 2:1-15
00000003/10/2013 10:30 AM:   Let's Not Forget - Titus 2:1-15
00000002/24/2013 10:30 AM:   Suffering for Christ - 2 Corinthians 11:22-30
00000002/17/2013 10:30 AM:   A Divine Encounter - Acts 9:1-6
00000002/10/2013 10:30 AM:   Washing Their Nets - Luke 5:1-8
00000002/03/2013 06:00 PM:   And Elisha Crossed Over - 2 Kings 2:13-14
00000002/03/2013 10:30 AM:   Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Psalms 28:1-9
00000001/27/2013 06:00 PM:   The Power of the Gospel - Acts 14:7-10
00000001/27/2013 10:30 AM:   Speak Not Evil of One Another - James 4:11-12
00000001/20/2013 06:00 PM:   The Holy Mountain - 2 Peter 1:16-18
00000001/13/2013 10:30 AM:   But Ruth Clung to Her (Part-3) - Ruth 1:14-18
00000001/06/2013 06:00 PM:   Be Strong and of Good Courage - Joshua 1:6-9
00000001/06/2013 10:30 AM:   But Ruth Clung to Her (Part-2) - Ruth 1:14-18
00000012/30/2012 10:30 AM:   But Ruth Clung to Her (Part-1) - Ruth 1:14-18
00000012/23/2012 10:30 AM:   Upon Them A Light Has Shined - Isaiah 9:2-4
00000012/16/2012 10:30 AM:   The Word Became Flesh - John 1:14
00000012/09/2012 06:00 PM:   To See His Glory (Part-2) - Daniel 10:1-9
00000012/09/2012 10:30 AM:   To See His Glory - Daniel 10:1-9
00000012/02/2012 06:00 PM:   Seek His Face Evermore - Psalms 105:1-6
00000012/02/2012 10:30 AM:   Now Amalek Came and Fought - Exodus 17:8-12
00000011/25/2012 06:00 PM:   A Man With an Unclean Spirit - Mark 1:21-28
00000011/11/2012 10:30 AM:   The Valley of Baca - Psalms 84:4-7
00000010/28/2012 05:00 PM:   When a Nation is on Fire - 2 Timothy 3:1-5
00000010/28/2012 10:30 AM:   Continuing the Journey - Deuteronomy 1:6-8
00000010/21/2012 06:00 PM:   There Was A Certain Rich Man - Luke 16:19-31
00000010/21/2012 10:30 AM:   I Waited Patiently for the Lord - Psalms 40:1-3
00000010/14/2012 10:30 AM:   What is Thy Name? - Mark 5:1-9
00000010/07/2012 06:00 PM:   The Father of Lies - John 8:42-44
00000010/07/2012 10:30 AM:   Worried and Troubled - Luke 10:38-42
00000009/30/2012 10:30 AM:   At the Hour of Prayer - Acts 3:1-9
00000009/09/2012 06:00 PM:   Do Not Think it Strange... - 1 Peter 4:12-16
00000009/09/2012 10:30 AM:   Let Me Go, For the Day Breaks - Genesis 32:24-30
00000009/02/2012 06:00 PM:   He Believed in the Cause - 1 Samuel 17:25-29
00000009/02/2012 10:30 AM:   Living the Extraordinary Life - James 1:7
00000008/26/2012 10:30 AM:   The Healing of a Leper - Luke 5:12-15
00000008/19/2012 06:00 PM:   The God Particle - Genesis 1:1-5
00000008/19/2012 10:30 AM:   The Heavy Burden of Sin - Psalms 38:1-22
00000007/22/2012 06:00 PM:   Your Face Lord, I Will Seek - Psalms 27:8
00000007/08/2012 06:00 PM:   And They Loosed It - Mark 11:1-6
00000007/08/2012 10:30 AM:   The Floating Ax Head - 2 Kings 6:1-7
00000007/01/2012 10:30 AM:   Is Not My Word Like a Hammer? - Jeremiah 23:9-29
00000006/17/2012 06:00 PM:   Passing through Rejection - John 15:18-19
00000006/17/2012 10:30 AM:   The Seventh Month - Ezra 3:1-2
00000006/10/2012 10:30 AM:   For the Wind was Contrary - Matthew 14:22-33
00000005/23/2012 07:00 PM:   Pentecostal Foundations (Part-4) - Matthew 3:11
00000005/16/2012 07:00 PM:   Pentecostal Foundations (Part-3) - Acts 1:4-8
00000005/13/2012 06:00 PM:   Fill Your Horn with Oil - 1 Samuel 16:1
00000005/13/2012 10:30 AM:   Remember Lot's Wife - Luke 17:32
00000005/09/2012 07:00 PM:   Pentecostal Foundations (Part-2) - Acts 1:4-8
00000005/06/2012 06:00 PM:   When the Doors Were Shut - John 20:19-22
00000005/06/2012 10:30 AM:   I Will Set Up a Plumbline - Amos 7:7-13
00000005/02/2012 07:00 PM:   Pentecostal Foundations (Part-1) - Acts 1:4-8
00000004/29/2012 10:30 AM:   But You, O Lord (Part-2) - Psalms 3:1-8
00000004/22/2012 06:00 PM:   Taking that Step Of Faith - Joshua 3:12-17
00000004/22/2012 10:30 AM:   But You, O Lord - Psalms 3:1-8
00000004/15/2012 06:00 PM:   Philip Preaches to an Ethiopian - Acts 8:26-35
00000004/08/2012 10:30 AM:   I Will Not Believe - John 20:24-29
00000004/04/2012 07:00 PM:   Living by Faith (Part-4) - Hebrews 11:1-7
00000004/01/2012 06:00 PM:   A Notable Woman - 2 Kings 4:8-17
00000004/01/2012 10:30 AM:   The Parable of the Sower - Matthew 13:1-9
00000003/28/2012 07:00 PM:   Living by Faith (Part-3) - Hebrews 11:1-7
00000003/21/2012 07:00 PM:   Living by Faith (Part-2) - Hebrews 11:1-7
00000003/18/2012 10:30 AM:   When they Came to Marah - Exodus 15:22-26
00000003/14/2012 07:00 PM:   Living by Faith - Hebrews 11:1-7
00000003/04/2012 10:30 AM:   You Shall Love the Lord - Mark 12:28-31
00000002/26/2012 06:00 PM:   The Healing of a Lame Man - Acts 3:1-10
00000002/26/2012 10:30 AM:   By the Way of the Wilderness - Exodus 13:17-18
00000002/15/2012 07:00 PM:   Men Always Ought to Pray - Luke 18:1
00000002/12/2012 10:30 AM:   The Life of Faith - Daniel 3:14-18
00000002/08/2012 07:00 PM:   And When You Pray (Part-5) - Matthew 6:5-13
00000002/05/2012 06:00 PM:   But at Midnight - Acts 16:25-31
00000002/05/2012 10:30 AM:   Comfort, Yes Comfort My People - Isaiah 40:1-5
00000002/01/2012 07:00 PM:   And When You Pray (Part-4) - Matthew 6:5-13
00000001/29/2012 06:00 PM:   When the Brook Dries Up - 1 Kings 17:1-7
00000001/29/2012 10:30 AM:   Comfort My People - Isaiah 40:1-2
00000001/25/2012 07:00 PM:   And When You Pray (Part-3) - Matthew 6:5-13
00000001/18/2012 07:00 PM:   And When You Pray (Part-2) - Matthew 6:5-13
00000001/15/2012 10:30 AM:   Rahab and the Scarlet Thread - Joshua 2:1-21
00000001/11/2012 07:00 PM:   And When You Pray - Matthew 6:5-13
00000001/08/2012 06:00 PM:   Earthen Vessels - 2 Corinthians 4:7-12
00000001/08/2012 10:30 AM:   To Open Their Eyes - Acts 26:12-18
00000001/01/2012 06:00 PM:   Be Ye All of One Mind - 1 Peter 3:8-12
00000012/21/2011 07:00 PM:   The Last Days - 2 Timothy 3
00000012/18/2011 10:30 AM:   He Saw a Man Who Was Blind - John 9:1-7
00000012/11/2011 10:30 AM:   The Lord Accepted Job - Job 42:1-10
00000012/04/2011 10:30 AM:   Have You Considered My Servant Job - Job 2:1-10
00000011/30/2011 07:00 PM:   My Steps Had Nearly Slipped - Psalms 73:1-28
00000011/27/2011 06:00 PM:   I Have Not Found Such Great Faith - Luke 7:1-10
00000011/27/2011 10:30 AM:   And Satan Came Also - Job 1:6-7
00000011/20/2011 06:00 PM:   But He Did Not Know - Judges 16:19-20
00000011/20/2011 10:30 AM:   Set Your House in Order (Part-4) - 2 Kings 20:1
00000011/13/2011 06:00 PM:   My Light and My Salvation - Psalms 27:1-6
00000011/09/2011 07:00 PM:   Declaration of Faith - Psalms 27
00000011/06/2011 06:00 PM:   Not Ashamed - 2 Timothy 1:1-12
00000010/30/2011 06:00 PM:   Then Jonah Prayed to the Lord - Jonah 1:17-2:1
00000010/30/2011 10:30 AM:   He Opened the Doors - 2 Chronicles 29:1-6
00000010/16/2011 06:00 PM:   My Eyes are Toward the Lord - Psalms 25:15
00000010/09/2011 10:30 AM:   Shamgar--An Ordinary Man - Judges 3:31
00000010/02/2011 06:00 PM:   We are His Workmanship - Ephesians 2:10
00000010/02/2011 10:30 AM:   To See Christ in His Glory - Matthew 17:1-8
00000009/25/2011 10:30 AM:   A Door Standing Open - Revelation 4:1-2
00000009/11/2011 10:30 AM:   The Heavens Were Opened - Ezekiel 1:1-3
00000008/24/2011 07:00 PM:   David's Prayer - Psalms 86:12
00000008/07/2011 10:30 AM:   Why This Burning Bush? - Exodus 3:4; 33:11
00000007/31/2011 06:00 PM:   To Preach the Gospel - Luke 4:16-19
00000007/17/2011 06:00 PM:   Why Pray? (Part-3) - Luke 18:1
00000007/17/2011 10:30 AM:   Why Pray? (Part-2) - Matthew 6:5-13
00000007/03/2011 10:30 AM:   Why Pray? - Matthew 6:5-13
00000006/29/2011 07:00 PM:   Be Imitators of God (Part-2) - Ephesians 5:1-2
00000006/26/2011 06:00 PM:   For I Am Not Ashamed (Part-2) - Romans 1:16-17
00000006/22/2011 07:00 PM:   Be Imitators of God - Ephesians 5:1-2
00000006/19/2011 06:00 PM:   For I Am Not Ashamed - Romans 1:16-17
00000006/19/2011 10:30 AM:   An Excellent Spirit - Daniel 6:1-4
00000006/12/2011 10:30 AM:   Renewing the Passion for Christ - Luke 24:13-35
00000006/05/2011 06:00 PM:   The Letter of Death - 1 Kings 19:1-4
00000006/05/2011 10:30 AM:   To Meet With God - Exodus 20:16-20
00000005/29/2011 06:00 PM:   But We Also Joy in God - Romans 5:1-11
00000005/29/2011 10:30 AM:   He That Showed Mercy on Him - Luke 10:25-37
00000005/22/2011 10:30 AM:   Why Has the Lord Defeated Us? - 1 Samuel 4:1-11
00000005/15/2011 06:00 PM:   Salted with Fire - Mark 9:49
00000005/15/2011 10:30 AM:   I Will Follow You...But - Luke 9:57-62
00000005/08/2011 10:30 AM:   They Were Both Righteous Before God - Luke 1:5-7
00000005/01/2011 10:30 AM:   When My Heart is Overwhelmed - Psalms 61:1-8
00000004/24/2011 10:30 AM:   The Glorious Cross of Christ - Galatians 6:14-15
00000004/17/2011 06:00 PM:   The Promise - Luke 24:44-49
00000004/17/2011 10:30 AM:   Do Not Take Us Over the Jordan - Numbers 32:1-7
00000004/10/2011 10:30 AM:   To the Church of Thyatira - Revelation 2:18-29
00000004/03/2011 06:00 PM:   Those Who Were Ready - Matthew 25:1-13
00000004/03/2011 10:30 AM:   To the Church of Pergamos - Revelation 2:12-17
00000003/27/2011 06:00 PM:   Watch, For You Do Not Know - Matthew 24:36-44
00000003/27/2011 10:30 AM:   To the Church of Smyrna - Revelation 2:8-11
00000003/20/2011 06:00 PM:   The Seed of Cain - Genesis 4:1-8
00000003/20/2011 10:30 AM:   To the Church at Ephesus - Revelation 2:1-7
00000003/13/2011 06:00 PM:   Listening to the Right Voice - 1 Kings 22:1-14
00000003/13/2011 10:30 AM:   As They Ministered Unto the Lord - Acts 13:1-4
00000003/06/2011 06:00 PM:   The Lord Was With Joseph - Genesis 39:2
00000002/27/2011 06:00 PM:   Instruments of Righteousness - Romans 6:5-14
00000002/27/2011 10:30 AM:   Jonah-The Run Away Prophet - Jonah 1:1-17
00000002/16/2011 07:00 PM:   To Be Fully Persuaded - 2 Timothy 1:8-12
00000002/13/2011 06:00 PM:   Total Trust - Genesis 17:16-19
00000002/13/2011 10:30 AM:   You Shall Recover All - 1 Samuel 30:1-8
00000002/06/2011 06:00 PM:   A Renewed Strength - Isaiah 40:27-31
00000002/06/2011 10:30 AM:   Who Will Stir Himself Up? - Isaiah 64:1-7
00000001/26/2011 07:00 PM:   Christian -- Beware! - Ephesians 6:10-11
00000001/16/2011 10:30 AM:   Faith Persevering In Trial - Psalms 40:1-3
00000001/12/2011 07:00 PM:   The Blessed Life - Psalms 1:1-6
00000001/09/2011 06:00 PM:   Jonathan and His Armorbearer - 1 Samuel 14:1-7
00000001/09/2011 10:30 AM:   Revive Me O Lord - Psalms 143:10-11
00000012/26/2010 10:30 AM:   To Have Your Sin Forgiven - Psalms 32:1-11
00000012/19/2010 10:30 AM:   For We Have Seen His Star - Matthew 2:1-2
00000012/12/2010 10:30 AM:   Empty Waterpots - John 2:1-11
00000012/05/2010 06:00 PM:   Pursuing After That One Thing - 1 Timothy 6:3-12
00000012/05/2010 10:30 AM:   Wilt Thou Be Made Whole? - John 5:1-9
00000011/28/2010 06:00 PM:   Moses' Finest Hour - Exodus 32:31-32
00000011/21/2010 10:30 AM:   The Cloud and the Fire - Exodus 13:17-22
00000011/14/2010 06:00 PM:   Bless the Lord at all Times - Psalms 34:1-22
00000011/14/2010 10:30 AM:   Getting New Glasses - Psalms 73:1-28
00000011/07/2010 06:00 PM:   The Gift of Personality - Acts 4:13-20
00000011/07/2010 10:30 AM:   The Final Judgment of God - Exodus 12:29-30
00000010/31/2010 10:30 AM:   Great Faith - Matthew 15:21-28
00000010/24/2010 10:30 AM:   The Battle Against the Gods - Exodus 7:1-7
00000010/17/2010 06:00 PM:   Blessings of Forgiven Sin - Matthew 9:1-8
00000010/17/2010 10:30 AM:   Rising Above Rejection - Numbers 12:1-3
00000010/10/2010 06:00 PM:   Looking Beyond - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
00000010/10/2010 10:30 AM:   Failed Plans - Exodus 2:11-15
00000010/03/2010 06:00 PM:   Ten Shekels and a Suit - Judges 17:1-13
00000010/03/2010 10:30 AM:   The Potter's House - Jeremiah 18:1-11
00000009/12/2010 06:00 PM:   If You Are The Son of God... - Luke 4:1-4
00000008/29/2010 06:00 PM:   The Day of the Lord Will Come - 2 Peter 3:10-13
00000008/22/2010 06:00 PM:   Remember Us We Pray - Judges 16:28
00000008/22/2010 10:30 AM:   This is a Hard Saying - John 6:53-54
00000008/15/2010 06:00 PM:   The Agony of the Soul - Psalms 28:1-9
00000008/15/2010 10:30 AM:   Its Name is Called Babel - Genesis 11:1-9
00000008/08/2010 10:30 AM:   Opportunity or Opportunist? - 1 Kings 1:1-5
00000008/01/2010 10:30 AM:   A Man After My Own Heart - Acts 13:17-24
00000007/25/2010 06:00 PM:   The Gospel of Grace - Acts 20:22-24
00000007/18/2010 06:00 PM:   They Uncovered the Roof - Mark 2:1-5
00000007/18/2010 10:30 AM:   And God Said... - Genesis 1:1-5
00000007/11/2010 06:00 PM:   The Purpose of Being Pruned - John 15:1-5
00000007/11/2010 10:30 AM:   The New Thing - Isaiah 43:14-21
00000007/04/2010 06:00 PM:   You Shall Be Witnesses to Me - Acts 1:4-8
00000007/04/2010 10:30 AM:   He Purposed in His Heart - Daniel 6:18-23
00000006/27/2010 10:30 AM:   The Warning - 1 Corinthians 4:14
00000006/16/2010 07:00 PM:   The Trial of Faith - James 1:1-8
00000006/13/2010 06:00 PM:   The Letter of Threat - 1 Kings 19:1-4
00000006/13/2010 10:30 AM:   Leaving a Landmark - Joshua 4:4-7
00000006/06/2010 06:00 PM:   Grevious Wolves - Acts 20:28-31
00000005/23/2010 06:00 PM:   Choosing Rather To Suffer - Hebrews 11:23-26
00000005/16/2010 06:00 PM:   Revive Us Again - Psalms 85:6
00000005/09/2010 10:30 AM:   A Nobody that was Somebody - Luke 2:36-38
00000005/02/2010 06:00 PM:   He Had a Vision From God - Acts 16:6-10
00000004/25/2010 06:00 PM:   It's an Issue of Life - Matthew 2:12-15
00000004/25/2010 10:30 AM:   From Persecutor to Preacher - Acts 26:12-18
00000004/18/2010 06:00 PM:   But as the Days of Noah Were - Matthew 24:37-39
00000004/11/2010 06:00 PM:   Given To Deceiving Spirits - 1 Timothy 4:1-3
00000004/04/2010 10:30 AM:   The God of the Living - Matthew 22:32
00000003/28/2010 06:00 PM:   Sanctify Yourselves - Joshua 3:1-5
00000003/17/2010 07:00 PM:   The Beatitudes (Part-8) - Matthew 5:1-12
00000003/14/2010 06:00 PM:   Delivering Faith - Psalms 25:1-2
00000003/10/2010 07:00 PM:   The Beatitudes (Part-7) - Matthew 5:1-12
00000003/07/2010 10:30 AM:   You Shall Make Holy Garments - Exodus 28:1-6
00000003/03/2010 07:00 PM:   The Beatitudes (Part-6) - Matthew 5:1-12
00000002/24/2010 07:00 PM:   The Beatitudes (Part-5) - Matthew 5:1-12
00000002/21/2010 06:00 PM:   The Upper Room Experience - Acts 1:12-14
00000002/21/2010 10:30 AM:   They Would Not Come - Matthew 22:1-14
00000002/17/2010 07:00 PM:   The Beatitudes (Part-4) - Matthew 5:1-12
00000002/14/2010 10:30 AM:   Will God Find You Faithful? - Matthew 25:14-30
00000002/03/2010 07:00 PM:   The Beatitudes (Part-3) - Matthew 5:1-12
00000001/31/2010 06:00 PM:   How To Keep the Devil Out - Ephesians 4:25-27
00000001/27/2010 07:00 PM:   The Beatitudes (Part-2) - Matthew 5:1-12
00000001/24/2010 06:00 PM:   Give Ear, O My People - Psalms 78:1-8
00000001/20/2010 07:00 PM:   The Beatitudes (Part-1) - Matthew 5:1-12
00000001/17/2010 06:00 PM:   The Christian Life - Romans 12:9-17
00000001/17/2010 10:30 AM:   Walking in the Spirit - Galatians 5:16-17
00000001/10/2010 10:30 AM:   Can We Be Stirred? - Isaiah 64:1-7
00000001/06/2010 07:00 PM:   There's More! - Philippians 3:1-21
00000012/27/2009 06:00 PM:   Moving On To Perfection - Hebrews 5:11-6:3
00000012/27/2009 10:30 AM:   Getting Ahead of God - Genesis 16:1-4, 15-16
00000012/20/2009 10:30 AM:   The Divine Visitation - Luke 1:67-75
00000012/16/2009 07:00 PM:   Let Us Visit Our Brethren - Acts 15:36
00000012/13/2009 06:00 PM:   The Kingdom of God - Matthew 12:22-28
00000012/13/2009 10:30 AM:   He Believed in the Lord - Genesis 15:1-6
00000012/06/2009 06:00 PM:   For Such a Time as This - Esther 4:13-17
00000012/06/2009 10:30 AM:   The Dark Night of the Soul - Genesis 15:1-6
00000011/22/2009 06:00 PM:   Don't Be Shaken - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17
00000011/15/2009 10:30 AM:   Abraham's Plight in Egypt - Genesis 12:10-20
00000011/08/2009 06:00 PM:   The Faith of a Cripple Man - Acts 14:1-10
00000011/08/2009 10:30 AM:   Abraham's Journey of Faith - Genesis 12:4-9
00000011/01/2009 06:00 PM:   Moved By What They Know - Hebrews 11:1-6
00000011/01/2009 10:30 AM:   The Call to Abraham - Genesis 12:1-9
00000010/25/2009 06:00 PM:   Why the Golden Calf - Exodus 32:1-6
00000010/18/2009 06:00 PM:   His Unexpected Presence - Ezekiel 48:35
00000010/18/2009 10:30 AM:   The Blessing of Justification - Romans 5:1-11
00000010/04/2009 06:00 PM:   We Must Go Back - Nahum 3:1-7
00000010/04/2009 10:30 AM:   Being Fully Persuaded - 2 Timothy 1:8-12
00000009/20/2009 06:00 PM:   Living in the Spirit's Power - Acts 4:32-33
00000008/30/2009 10:30 AM:   Finding Comfort In Trying Times - Malachi 3:16
00000008/23/2009 06:00 PM:   Unending Devotion - 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
00000008/23/2009 10:30 AM:   The Battle before the Battle - 1 Samuel 17:20-33
00000008/16/2009 06:00 PM:   Draw Me Away - Song of Solomon 1:4
00000008/16/2009 10:30 AM:   How to Deal with Pride - Proverbs 6:16-17
00000008/09/2009 06:00 PM:   You've Not Passed This Way Before
00000008/09/2009 10:30 AM:   The Church - Epheshians 4:11-16
00000007/19/2009 10:30 AM:   Today Salvation Has Come to this House
00000007/05/2009 10:30 AM:   Victory Through Faith (Part-4) - Joshua 6:17-19
00000006/28/2009 10:30 AM:   Victory Through Faith (Part-3) - Joshua 6:12-16
00000006/21/2009 10:30 AM:   Victory Through Faith (Part-2) - Joshua 6:6-11
00000006/21/2009 12:00 AM:   But This is That!
00000006/14/2009 10:30 AM:   Victory Through Faith (Part-1) - Joshua 6:1-5
00000005/10/2009 12:00 AM:   As The Days of Noah Were
00000004/26/2009 12:00 AM:   Beware of the Wiles of the Devil (Part-5)
00000004/19/2009 12:00 AM:   Beware of the Wiles of the Devil (Part-4)
00000004/05/2009 12:00 AM:   Beware of the Wiles of the Devil (Part-3)
00000004/05/2009 12:00 AM:   The Pattern of Kingdom Living
00000003/29/2009 12:00 AM:   Beware of the Wiles of the Devil (Part-2)
00000003/22/2009 12:00 AM:   Beware of the Wiles of the Devil (Part-1)
00000003/22/2009 12:00 AM:   Stretch Forth Thine Hand
00000003/15/2009 10:30 AM:   How to Live in Perilous Times - 2 Timothy 3:1
00000002/22/2009 06:00 PM:   The Call of Elisha - 1 Kings 19:19-21
00000002/08/2009 06:00 PM:   Prevailing With God - Genesis 32:24-29
00000002/01/2009 10:30 AM:   Faith that's Forged - Job 1:1; 20
00000001/04/2009 06:00 PM:   The River of God - Psalm 65:9
00000011/16/2008 10:30 AM:   The Product of Pentecost (Part-2) - Romans 8:1-5
00000011/09/2008 10:30 AM:   The Product of Pentecost (Part-1) - Romans 8:1-5
00000002/04/2007 06:00 PM:   The Holy Ghost and Fire - Matthew 3:11
00000012/03/2006 10:30 AM:   The Man With a Withered Hand - Mark 3:1-6
00000011/05/2006 10:30 AM:   Jonathan's Faith - 1 Samuel 14:1-7
00000008/02/2006 07:00 PM:   The Persistence Of Prayer - Luke 18:1-8
00000007/23/2006 06:00 PM:   Elijah's Crises - 1 Kings 19:1-4
00000007/02/2006 10:30 AM:   The Life of the Body - Acts 6:1-5; 8
00000006/18/2006 06:00 PM:   By My Spirit - Zechariah 4:1-7
00000006/11/2006 06:00 PM:   When You Pray - Matthew 6:5-7
00000006/11/2006 10:30 AM:   Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - Hebrews 12:1-3
00000004/23/2006 06:00 PM:   The Stirring of God - Haggai 1:14
00000003/26/2006 10:30 AM:   From Death to Life - Psalm 32:1-11
00000003/12/2006 10:30 AM:   From Me To Thee - Genesis 10:14-15
00000002/26/2006 10:30 AM:   And Spread It Before the Lord - Isaiah 27:14
00000006/27/2004 10:30 AM:   Who Is Your Jesus? - 2 Corinthians 11:1-4
00000005/16/2004 10:30 AM:   The Cost of True Discipleship - Luke 14:25-27
00000004/18/2004 10:30 AM:   Jehovah Rapha - Exodus 15:22-26
00000002/01/2004 10:30 AM:   The War Within - Ezra 9:1-3
00000012/28/2003 10:30 AM:   Restoring the Altar of God - Ezra 3:1-3
00000011/16/2003 10:30 AM:   Opposition to the Will of God - Ezra 4:1-5
00000011/09/2003 10:30 AM:   The Glorious Rapture of the Church - John 14:1-3
00000010/19/2003 10:30 AM:   Samson's Seven Locks - Judges 16:16-21
00000001/01/2003 12:00 AM:   The Test of Faith - Job 1:20
00000001/01/2003 12:00 AM:   David and Goliath - 1 Samuel
Brother Matthew Mauldin
00000004/16/2017 10:00 AM:   Unless I See I Will Not Believe - John 20:24-29
Brother Michael Mauldin
00000005/25/2014 06:30 PM:   Marine Boot-Camp Experience - 2 Timothy 2:3-4
00000003/31/2013 08:00 AM:   They Did Not Know Him - Luke 24:13-31
Sister Morgan Mauldin
00000010/15/2023 06:30 PM:   Your Mount Moriah - Genesis 22:1-18
00000004/02/2023 10:30 AM:   When God Says Go! - Acts 26:16-18
00000008/21/2022 06:30 PM:   Least of These Ministries - Matthew 25:40
00000007/25/2021 06:30 PM:   A Life Like Zacchaeus - Luke 19:1-10
00000001/24/2021 06:30 PM:   Out of the Pit - Psalms 40:2
00000010/04/2020 06:30 PM:   Well Done? - Matthew 25:1-13
00000008/02/2020 10:30 AM:   When the Famine Doesn't Change - 1 Kings 17:8-16
00000003/08/2020 06:30 PM:   What Dream Did God Give You? - Genesis 37:1-28
00000001/05/2020 06:30 PM:   Morgan's Mission Ministry
00000007/14/2019 06:30 PM:   Morgan's Mission To Thailand
00000011/25/2018 06:30 PM:   The Palace or the Promise Land - Exodus 2:11-14
00000008/19/2018 06:30 PM:   If I Perish, I Perish - Esther 4:14-17
00000004/01/2018 08:30 AM:   The Climb to the Grave - Matthew 26:36-46
00000001/14/2018 06:30 PM:   Be a Lighthouse - Matthew 25:1-13
00000012/31/2017 10:30 AM:   Action With Compassion - Luke 10:25-37
00000010/11/2015 06:30 PM:   Serve the True God - Genesis 1:1-3, 22-31
00000004/08/2012 08:00 AM:   Is the Stone Rolled Away? - Mark 16:1-11
Reverend Rodney Brooks
00000008/21/2011 10:30 AM:   By His Name - Acts 3:1-16
00000006/20/2010 10:30 AM:   Jesus in the Midst of Us - Luke 4:29-37
Brother Ron Hazlett
00000007/28/2010 07:00 PM:   The Last Words of David - 2 Samuel 22; 23:1-5
00000006/09/2010 07:00 PM:   The True Church - Hebrews 10:25
00000004/28/2010 07:00 PM:   Praise - Psalms 9:1-2
00000003/24/2010 07:00 PM:   The Importance of Faith - Ephesians 6:10-18
00000012/02/2009 07:00 PM:   Witnessing - Matthew 4:19; Matthew 28:19-20
Reverend Scott Ennis
00000007/25/2010 10:30 AM:   The Unfinished Task - Matthew 28:19
Brother Scott Oswald
00000003/09/2025 06:30 PM:   SHADES - Genesis 1:26-27
00000001/05/2025 06:30 PM:   The Church without Walls - John 20:19-29
00000010/06/2024 06:30 PM:   Settle It! - 1 Peter 5:5-11
00000008/25/2024 06:30 PM:   Overcoming Fear - Psalms 27:1-14
00000007/21/2024 06:30 PM:   Kingdom Privileges - 2 Peter 1:1-11
00000007/07/2024 10:30 AM:   Come Up Out of That Grave! - Ezekiel 37:1-14
00000005/05/2024 06:30 PM:   The Manifold Grace of God - 1 Peter 4:10
00000004/14/2024 10:30 AM:   Mirrors of Deception - 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
00000011/26/2023 06:30 PM:   Contend For Your Crown - Philippians 3:12-15
00000010/22/2023 10:30 AM:   A Spiritual E.K.G. - Psalms 26:2
Evangelist Shamgar Deatherage
00000009/10/2023 10:30 AM:   There's Two Plans - John 10:10
00000004/25/2021 06:30 PM:   There's Victory in the Brook - 1 Samuel 17:38-40
00000004/25/2021 10:30 AM:   The Lord Hath Need of You - Luke 19:29-35
Brother Tim Holt
00000012/27/2020 06:30 PM:   Brother Tim Holt's Testimony
Sister Tina Mauldin
00000005/11/2014 10:30 AM:   Hannah and Samuel - 1 Samuel 1-3
Reverend Todd Sloggett
00000007/08/2019 07:00 PM:   The Man In the Middle - Luke 23:39-43
00000007/07/2019 10:30 AM:   Why Was Jesus Born? - 1 Corinthians 15:45
00000003/04/2018 06:30 PM:   Breaking the A-B Mentality - Acts 1:15-26
00000006/29/2017 07:00 PM:   Please Don't Treat Me Fair - Luke 13:1-5
00000006/27/2017 07:00 PM:   Jonah The Church Johnson - Jonah 1:1-3
00000006/26/2017 07:00 PM:   Make a Whip - John 2:11-16
00000004/11/2016 07:00 PM:   The University of Adversity - Exodus 2:11-15
00000004/10/2016 06:30 PM:   If Tomorrow Could Talk - 2 Chronicles 20:14-17
00000004/10/2016 10:30 AM:   I-Sermon - 2 Timothy 3:4
00000004/14/2015 07:00 PM:   Theodicy - John 11:32, 37
00000004/12/2015 06:30 PM:   Three Blind Men - Mark 10:46-52
Brother Trevor Gibson
00000001/19/2025 06:30 PM:   The Weight of Your Cross - Matthew 16:24
00000008/11/2024 06:30 PM:   Praise in the Prison - Acts 16:25-33
00000004/14/2024 06:30 PM:   Prepare for the Rain - 1 Kings 18:40-45
Sister Tyra Gibson
00000010/29/2023 06:30 PM:   Tyra's Testimony
00000006/27/2021 06:30 PM:   Church Testimonial Service
 WOLCC Unashamed Youth Group
00000008/12/2018 06:30 PM:   Youth IYC Testimonies 2018
Pastor Wynand DeWet
00000003/31/2019 10:30 AM:   Go!! - Acts 1:8
00000008/27/2017 10:30 AM:   Thailand Missions - Acts 1:8